Can You Befriend God Haters?

In the article, ” On The Box: What To Do About My Homosexual Friends” Tony Miano gives the advice that you can always be friends with your homosexual friends. I have to disagree. You cannot, must not, always remain communicative with homosexuals. You do them a great disservice…

England’s two-Faced Tolerance

Britain may forbid visit by Florida Quran [burning] pastor Apparentl;y England thinks its compassionate of them to allow muslims to openly call for the murder of Christians in the streets of their nation, but they don’t tolerate an American pastor who said to burn the Islamic book that orders muslims to murder…

Sing a Little Louder, “Brothers”, I can still hear the screaming

I am sick of professing Christians whining why they don’t vote, that they aren’t “of this world”, all while the nation millions of Brethren died to establish and hold free crumbles around them. Since when does the Bible say Believers should not defend? These Deceivers…