Sing a Little Louder, “Brothers”, I can still hear the screaming

I am sick of professing Christians whining why they don’t vote, that they aren’t “of this world”, all while the nation millions of Brethren died to establish and hold free crumbles around them.
Since when does the Bible say Believers should not defend? These Deceivers should sing a little louder to drown out the screaming of the oppressed!!!
I am not a Dominionist but you don’t know your Bible OR your history to refuse to oppose tyranny!
You do have a choice…
You can choose to die slowly with your neighbors riddled with guilt and self loathing for not standing with the lovers of Freedom…
-or you can now defend the weaker and innocent around you, dieing if you must, but facing a death of honor, knowing you have lived a life WORTH DIEING FOR!
We Christians preach freedom from sin, an attainable Mercy from God Almighty through the Sacrifice of His own Son…
-Yet you DARE refuse freedom for another?
SHAME on you Christian brothers. SHAME!

If you dared be so foolish to ask a veteran of a shooting war whether Christians should vote you might just need to duck! I know my Dad would be a man to avoid asking that of; He is a Vietnam Veteran.

Pastor, you may have opinions that are valid for why we have a messed up nation, but STOP TELLING CHRISTIANS TO NOT BE INVOLVED!!!

…this message is from a man who used to think being a Christian meant I had to be a “conscientious objector.” I know now how foolish I was. Thank God I had wise men around me who didn’t spare my feelings to speak the truth.

Now I speak the truth to you, Christian:

Stand and defend freedom or BURN YOUR BIBLE.

Patrick Burwell
A Proud and Vocal Tea Partier…
Founder and President, Ministries