Where Do You Go From Heretical Denominations?

“The condition of the church today is truly sad…”

“…it is time to return to the basics and back to what the Word of God says.”

After reading the article  “Chrisagis Brothers Speak the Truth” on the Christian Newswire. I called Gerald Dombroski to find out more about the General Assembly Evangelistic Association he heads up. I’ve seen what happened to the discernment of the National Association of Evangelicals with Ted Haggard; I wanted to be sure they were Biblical before seeking association with them.

After speaking at length with the Dombroski’s I am happy to report that, so far, we are in complete agreement with them. And I don’t expect we will disagree on anything essential, from what I Witnessed during our discussions. But I always reserve the right to be wrong.

So, if you are a Minister who is being threatened with the loss of your licensing because you refuse to participate in heresy, like the marrying of same sex couples or submitting to sexual deviants placed in authority over you, then you may have found your answer in being ordained by the G.A.E.A.

My wife and I personally have experienced the frustration of denominations and Ministers not recognizing the calling of God, favoring rather their bureaucracy over the leading of the Spirit. We will be looking into the G.A.E.A ourselves to see if their affiliation is where God calls us to.

Do your diligence and check them out yourselves, like we are – as they will you. They may just be what you were looking for. I am very grateful to see what the Lord Jesus is doing in using the G.A.E.A, and other associations like them, to call Brethren to support one another in remaining faithful to the Word.

Patrick Burwell, OnlyJesusSaves.com

Read more about the GAEA here… Chrisagis Brothers Speak the Truth – Christian Newswire.