Why Are Episcopal Diocese Facing Uncertain Futures?

I love it when I can hear a question so easy to answer…

“A significant number of churches feel that they had, within the past five years, “lost” something – lost members, lost community standing, lost income.”

via VirtueOnline – News – Exclusives – Episcopal Diocese of Newark Faces Uncertain Future.


The A-#1 problem of Churches in America is their refusal to hold to the efficacy of Scripture, the sufficiency of the Sacrifice of Jesus for Salvation and of His Lordship. Churches will suffer serious decline as they reject the Lord of the Bible and the Word of the One and ONLY Savior. I am not saying you can expect your flock to return if you stand with Jesus against all comers, but you will have the One on your side that counts: God.

Let your Dicoese fail if it must but stand on Scripture and do not allow the fear of man to sway your preaching; Preach exegetically and you will remain in His Service. Fail to do so and you may indeed increase your influence and maybe even get a Rick Warren church, but at WHAT COST? Is your soul worth the income?

Think about it… David Virtue did and his answer was right on:

“After all, who would want to join a church whose preaching, teaching and policies are indistinguishable from the culture?
The humor of God is that Spong and Crew might live to see the demise of their diocese as witnesses to the fact that heresy and sodomy are the twin sisters of spiritual destruction. You reap what you sow.”

Amen, David, amen.

Patrick Burwell, OnlyJesusSaves.com