Where Do You Go From Heretical Denominations?
“The condition of the church today is truly sad…”
We exist to declare Jesus alone as the Salvation for Man, to the Glory of God the Father, and to lead the world in seeking Truth, Honesty and Freedom for All!!
“The condition of the church today is truly sad…”
“through God’s grace, mercy and love [I] have been straight for 30 years” But Angelo, is that the Gospel? How will Lohan know she needs saving when she thinks she is “not-guilty’ all the time? She doesn’t even know what she need saving from! Do…
I found an interesting article that gives a summary on the life of Richard Neuhaus.
If you aren’t preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ as The Solution… …then you aren’t a Christian Dr. Michael Youssef, Pastor of the Church of the Apostles in Atlanta Georgia, recently wrote, “In 2 Timothy 3:12, the apostle writes: ‘Everyone who wants to live a…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Christian Evangelistic Ministry OnlyJesusSaves.com issued a challenge today to all other ministries to declare once and for all “Only Jesus Saves” or stop calling themselves Christians. Patrick J. Burwell, President and Co-Founder of the Evangelistic Christian Ministry, today issued this challenge…
…promising that Jesus is a pagan god who can be made to live for our glory if we manipulate him through faith and giving. –TheResurgence.
Moriel – Tony Blair, Evangelicals, And The Coming One World Religion.