Minister Tries to Reach Lohan With What Gospel?

“through God’s grace, mercy and love [I] have been straight for 30 years”

But Angelo, is that the Gospel? How will Lohan know she needs saving when she thinks she is “not-guilty’ all the time? She doesn’t even know what she need saving from! Do you, Angelo?

So my question to you, Angelo, is exactly that, “What does Lindsay Lohan need saving from?”

My answer to you is, “She needs to be saved from God’s WRATH!”

In his latest letter to the ‘Mean Girls’ star, Marty Angelo, who himself was arrested in 1980 for two counts of cocaine possession, said he is “saddened” to see her face yet another formal charge.

‘Lindsay, I am speaking to you today as not just a prison minister and friend of your father but as a person who has traveled down the same road you are on,’ writes Angelo in a letter released Thursday. ‘I know what works and through God’s grace, mercy and love have been straight for 30 years.’

Angelo’s attempts at reaching Lohan began when the actress’ father, Michael Lohan, contacted him in 2007 to help his daughter. The older Lohan had read Angelo’s book, Once Life Matters: A New Beginning, which he said changed his life while he was in prison.

Since then, Angelo has been sending the younger Lohan letters and books and has personally accompanied her father to court appearances in the hopes of getting her enrolled in a faith-based program…”

I applaud the Minister in trying to help the clearly lost young lady, but is what he is saying to her the Gospel when he says of her, “Jesus can change her life.” Where is the preaching of the Law to convict of sin?

Angelo emphasized that the first step in the program would be ‘introducing her to Christ.’

Introducing her? He knows her VERY well. Angelo, we need to talk… email me bud.

For anyone who doesn’t know the Gospel, or think the Gospel of Jesus Christ is about life enhancement,  please go here:

And if you are a minister and you don;t know what “Law to the Proud, Grace to the humble” means then email me too. But whatever you do DON’T MAKE ANY MORE FALSE CONVERTS!!! PLEASE!

Patrick J. Burwell Ministries
Email me here Angelo:

“More here: Prison Minister Tries to Reach Out to Lindsay Lohan with Jesus |

1 thought on “Minister Tries to Reach Lohan With What Gospel?

  1. In an interesting turn of events we have heard from the Prison Minister Marty Angelo:

    “Hi Patrick… I posted a comment re: the article you wrote that quoted the Christian Post story. It looks like for some reason it was removed.
    I stated that Ms Lohan would learn everything she needed regarding her salvation if she attended a one year faith based program. I mentioned everything you said to the CP reporter — sin, wrath, etc but he only used a very small portion of my recorded interview. You may want to contact him to get a copy if you’d like. One can not preach salvation without repentance … You got it, brother. Keep up the great work. It would have been nice had you contacted me first before you wrote you article. But… so be it. Take care and wishing you a very Merry Christmas and blessed New Years.
    Marty Angelo

    Sent from my iPhone”


    Apparently Marty says what this Christian Post reporter decided to mention left out the Law and the Gospel he presented to Lohan, replacing Angelo’s comments about how Jesus saved him from addiction, which Jesus most CERTAINLY does.
    Apologies Angelo.
    BTW, any posts on our ministry site require a login (it keeps the spammers honest).
    Do you know you can give the gospel to someone in a whole lot less time than a year. 30 seconds will do in fact. And it makes no difference who you preach it to, the message is always the same. You don’t need to appeal to anyone’s desire for deliverance, which is not the Gospel. Jesus isn’t about life enhancement but saving souls from their deserved sentence of Hell. The life that follows is truly blessed but is NOT a legitimate draw card for Salvation. Because, as any Pastor knows, what you draw them with you have to keep them with.
    BTW, the reason I responded publicly is because your statements were made publicly.
    Marthy, I would ask Lohan, “Would you consider yourself to be a good person?” as the opener to my presentation of the Gospel to her, which you can find here @
    Please review this and get back to me if you have any questions.

    Patrick Burwell Ministries

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