Are or Not?

If you aren’t preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ as The Solution...
...then you aren’t a Christian

Dr. Michael Youssef, Pastor of the Church of the Apostles in Atlanta Georgia, recently wrote, “In 2 Timothy 3:12, the apostle writes: ‘Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted’ (NIV). Not ‘may.’ Not ‘possibly.’ They will be persecuted. So if you’re not being persecuted, ask yourself if you’re living a godly life for Jesus Christ.” Then he went on to mention how not to give money.

On the same day this article appeared:

U.S. catching on to terror support

“An expert on jihad activity says many Islamic charities in the United States are supporting terror groups and aiding jihad efforts — but as a result, many are being shut down.”
That article was used to caution American Muslims, specifically, on who they support.

And there were these articles over this last week from

Are all those to encourage the fight against the evil of Islam? Or just to inform of the persecution of Christians? Does anyone else see the problem here?

Now right about here I will remind the reader I don’t walk on water; I am not great at doing this right either, but I do have a consistent message. My question is why is the persistent message of so many professing Christianity not the same one?

Islam is evil, no doubt. The followers of Islam daily murder and pillage others under the guise of their false religion. We see videos, read stories and hear reports of Muslims murdering for “Allah” every single week.

So what are we to do?
What should our response, as Believers, be?

Do we listen to what some are saying and take up arms? Maybe. But didn’t we just “rescue” Iraq with the lives of thousands of America’s own men, and women, (Christians included) just to watch these freed people now begin murdering their own Christian citizens? Is that what Christians wanted?

Or do we denounce Islam in public, as some ask us to do, loudly and visibly, enacting laws against them? Well, how did Oklahoma do with that? A Federal Judge decided the will of the people of the State of Oklahoma was wrong and stopped the enforcement of their state constitutional amendment to prevent Muslim Sharia law being considering in legal cases involving Muslims in their state’s courts! Is this where and how we should be involved?

Do we sign on to petitions to stop Muslim take-overs, delivering these lists of dissension to our representatives in Government? Will that be a good use of our time here?
120,000 tried
that in New York City and the signers of the petition to stop the “Ground-Zero” Mosque from being built near the site of the worst Muslim attack on American soil in history… will be ignored, all under the lie of false tolerance. Shall we spend ourselves there then?

There are too many professing Christianity and missing the point.

Tell me, professing Christian, what solves the problem of Islam? What solves ANY problem? How do you change the heart of a lesbian? How do you convert… a homosexual… someone for aborting the lives of children …a Buddhist …a Hindu? The Bible says change only comes from the inside and only God can do that.


What alone changes the heart of man?

Professing Christian? You should know this! Who alone is the Savior of mankind? …are you getting the message yet? Is it starting to become clear?

If you aren’t preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ as The Solution then you aren’t a Christian.

We can petition, we can march, and fight and get laws passed… but the priority, the VERY THING WE MUST DO ALWAYS, is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Crucified for sinners. We have nothing else of more importance…

Only Jesus can change the heart of an enemy to that of a dear friend.

Do you still petition, march, get Godly men elected and pass laws to stem the evil in the world? YES, YES, Yes and YES! You should know one of our mandates is to be salt and light in this evil world. But never should we put the cart before the horse.

Only Jesus Saves

Only Jesus can change a man-hating, pro-choice, foaming-at-the-mouth radical feminist to a life saving, gentle lover of God and man who desires above all else to see you saved. Only Jesus can take someone who hates and make them someone who loves. You were one not too long ago… if you are His.

But if you are His then you would already know to…

PREACH the Gospel of Jesus Christ, first and foremost, and make God’s salvation of man the primary subject of every conversation, every movement, every law.

Now, if I have not been clear then let me make the point here:
Believers understand this message is not a “have to” but a “get to”. And Believers know that I am encouraging them to not grow weary in doing the “well ” Jesus has called us to, to stay the course and rescue sinners from Hell.  But, in no way, is this a legalistic call to work harder. Know my Brothers that you are right in your considerations and hold fast to what you have been given to do and say. He will be here soon…fear not, trust in Him.

No, who I am speaking to, rather than Christians, are those professing Christianity and yet do not have the Priority Jesus has. If you profess the name of Jesus and anything has priority in your life over seeing souls saved, well, you had better look again…

To preach the Gospel, to see souls saved, in all you do, think and say first and foremost: THAT is what this article is saying you should know and desire to do already;

If you do not, then you are not.

If you are confused by what I have said then check yourself with the Gospel

…maybe for the first time…

I have provided a free examination here if you desire to use it…

In Him is the Light and that Light is the Light of men…

(And before I hear anyone preach the Matthew 18 at me read this…)

Patrick J Burwell