Christian Ministry Challenges Unity With Beck

The Christian Evangelistic Ministry issued a
challenge today to all other ministries to declare once and for all
“Only Jesus Saves” or stop calling themselves Christians.

Patrick J. Burwell, President and Co-Founder of the Evangelistic
Christian Ministry, today issued this challenge to other Christian
organizations and ministries to not embrace Glenn Beck, the Mormon:

“Christians must stop playing semantic games to embrace Glenn Beck the
Mormon as having some equivalent means of accessing God’s salvation
because he claims conservative values. You can’t claim ecumenical unity
with Mormons and Muslims when Jesus says of Himself that he is the only
way to the Father. It is far better for us and them that these
professing Christians deny Jesus altogether than keep up the lie about
where they stand with what the Bible says about other religions.
No Christian can have Unity with anyone but other Christians; No
Mormons, no Muslims, no Catholics – no other religions! PERIOD!

-Patrick Burwell, Ministries

1 thought on “Christian Ministry Challenges Unity With Beck

  1. Amen Patrick, many people who call themselves Christians, fall for people like Glen Beck because they are Biblically illiterate. We can see this by the shape Churches are in today.We have many false prophets out there today, just as the scriptures say there would be in the last days. As Christians we should stand up for Gods Word. How do we reprove error?? With the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit.

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