Sing a Little Louder, “Brothers”, I can still hear the screaming

I am sick of professing Christians whining why they don’t vote, that they aren’t “of this world”, all while the nation millions of Brethren died to establish and hold free crumbles around them. Since when does the Bible say Believers should not defend? These Deceivers…

Pastor Calls Christians to Prepare

Pastor David Jeremiah is warning Christians about what they can do to prepare to live in a new world order. Any Believer who thinks this nation will survive as anything but a back-water remnant of what we once were, in the nearing total collapse of our…

Christian Ministry Challenges Unity With Beck

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Christian Evangelistic Ministry issued a challenge today to all other ministries to declare once and for all “Only Jesus Saves” or stop calling themselves Christians. Patrick J. Burwell, President and Co-Founder of the Evangelistic Christian Ministry, today issued this challenge…

Islam’s Doctrines of Deception by Raymond Ibrahim

I was recently asked by Jane’s Information Group to write an essay devoted to taqiyya for the subscription-only Jane’s Islamic Affairs Analyst, which appeared late last September. Below is the unedited version: To better understand Islam, one must appreciate the thoroughly legalistic nature of the…


An Answer to Phil Johnson in his article  “Evangelical Bunko Artists“ Have Evangelicals Gone INSANE? Thanks Phil for being so clear. We’ve had enough dissembling from Liberty Staffers. The sad fact for me in reading your article was learning about Mike Warnke’s lies. I realized…

What the 2cnd Amendment REALLY means…

WATCH THIS TEXAS GIRL TELL SENATORS JUST WHAT THE SECOND AMENDMENT REALLY MEANS Watch the senators’ faces as she speaks. She understands the 2nd Amendment in a way our lawmakers never will. The fact that Schumer SMIRKS while she is testifying tells me he is…