Mark Cahill on Calvinism

Recently a Facebook post went out from Justin Pierce to open a discussion about what Mark Cahill, the Evangelist that wrote such great works as “One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven”, has said concerning Calvinism.

Most of the responses were an assumption Justin thought Mark was wrong… Funny though, I haven’t seen Justin say that…

What Mark has written was well thought out and I, so far, don’t see what is wrong with it; I also do not agree with Calvinism in every point. I believe the Calvary Chapel viewpoint on the Calvinism -vs- Arminianism debate is correct:

And, so far, I see Mark agrees with that perspective.

So? Why the uproar?

The problem I have is how Calvin’s ideas appear to be universally assumed correct by such men as R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur and Dave Hunt, to name a few. WHY is that? Why should Calvin’s ideas be assumed so right when his arguments can so easily be blown apart, as Mark has done ? Why do so many feel the need to twist Scripture into Calvin’s mold?

As I have said on the posting I will also say here:

Why do we assume Mark is wrong? Why do you insist on following Calvin instead of Jesus?

One of the best observations Mark made was concerning the definitions assumed by Calvin, which Dave Hunt himself brought up!


In The DVD by Dave Hunt called ‘What Love Is This?’, he made a very interesting observation. In order for Calvinism to be true, they would have to change the meaning of words in certain verses to fit their theology.

For example:
‘World’ must be changed to ‘Elect’ 20 times
‘Whoever’ must be changed to ‘Elect’ 16 times
‘Whosoever’ must be changed to ‘Elect’ 16 times
‘All’ must be changed to ‘Elect’ 16 times
‘Everyman’ must be changed to ‘Elect’ 6 times


I ask then why you must “change the meaning of words in certain verses to fit [Calvin’s] theology?” WHY?

I know I’ve probably angered some and ensured others (like Hyper-Calvinists) will just call me a heretic. But I don’t really care; The point is whether or not Mark is right. Opinions on this matter mean nothing.

I find, so far, I agree with Mark Cahill on hat he has written, but I have not yet done an exhaustive study; I find the wrenching of Scripture by Calvinists so tedious that even reading a treatise against Calvinism requires some effort for me.

But what I do say concerning the response to Mark’s evaluation on Calvinism is, “So, and?”

Seriously, what of it? Why the rancor?
Thank you Mark for the attempt to bring some clarity but I fear it falls on many, many deaf ears. I guess they weren’t “elected” to hear it…

Patrick Burwell Minsitries

13 thoughts on “Mark Cahill on Calvinism

  1. Patrick,
    You are very mistaken in your limited view of Dave Hunt…..if you were to read the book or watch What Love Is This? Which you can watch on YouTube……Dave Hunt did NOT endorse Calvinism! You are taking Mark Cahill’s quote from the DVD out of the context. Before you condemn Dave Hunt you might want to take a little time and examine him and his work! Or, e-mail Mark Cahill and ask him.


  2. I think Mark must have misquoted Hunt or misunderstood the context of Hunt’s statement. Either way, I appreciate Mark’s stand against Calvinism and I’m glad to hear of it. The only reason the “reformed” outcry is so big is that they actually probably liked Mark alot and now they will have to relegate him as someone who is an non-thinker. That’s what all of us not jumping on the Calvin’s bandwagon have become. Maybe we weren’t predestined to worship Calvin. : )

  3. this is a very c onfusing post, i have most of Daves books, listened to hours of his preaching and i can assure he does not side with Calvinism in any way. He does believe in eternal security but he does not believe in Limited atonement and irresistible grace which are the main doctrines of Calvinism. He does does not at all agree with Calvinism which is why he devoted an entire book to refuting it! please clarify why you lumped him together with Calvinists..

  4. I found the quote on pages 242-243, from the chapter “Limited Atonement”, in which Dave Hunt refutes this part of TULIP. As I had guessed, the quote is actually from a Calvinist, Edward Palmer. Here is Dave’s response just after the Palmer quote: “What evidence is there either within this passage and its context or anywhere else in Scripture that ‘world’ has this restrictive Calvinist meaning? Palmer offers none, nor can anyone else provide it. Quite simply, the only justification is in the fact that this doctrine requires it.”

  5. Dave Hunt does NOT assume Calvin’s ideas are universally true. He has been very vocal in his opposition of Calvinism. I am presently reading his book Mark Cahill quotes, What Love Is This? The subtitle is, “Calvinism’s Misrepresentation of God.” I would assume Dave Hunt would agree with Mark’s statement about Calvinism, as do I.

    1. Then why does Dave say this…
      “It was just because God so loved the world of elect sinners that He sent His only begotten Son
      that the world might be saved through Him (John 3:16-17). In this passage, “world” does not mean every single person, reprobate as well as elect, but the whole world in the sense of people from every tribe and nation…”
      (What Love Is This, Dave Hunt, Third Edition, Published by The Berean Call, Copyright © 2006, ISBN-13:
      978-1-928660-12-5, ISBN-10: 1-928660-12-6, Page 300., Citing; Edwin H. Palmer, The Five Points of
      Calvinism, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, enlarged edition, 20th printing, 1999, 44-45.)
      Dave is clearly agreeing with the error of Calvin’s definition of what “elect” means and not the Bible’s.
      Read Mark’s document again:

      1. What page, please? I have the book, so I’d like to see exactly what you are referring to, because you could be quoting one of the many quotes of Calvinists that Dave Hunt examines. I can assure you he is AGAINST Calvinism. Take a look at this video series he did on the book in question and his stand,

      2. Lisa is right on this one, Patrick. Read the book before you cite its position.

      3. The quote provided by Cahill which is from Dave Hunt’s book is actually a quote by Edwin Palmer. In “What Love” Dave Hunt is refuting Palmer not agreeing with him.

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