Religious Beliefs Are Hate Speech in US High Schools?
Sexual deviance IS offensive! School punishes religious beliefs, student sues school
We exist to declare Jesus alone as the Salvation for Man, to the Glory of God the Father, and to lead the world in seeking Truth, Honesty and Freedom for All!!
Sexual deviance IS offensive! School punishes religious beliefs, student sues school
To GOD be the Glory, great things HE has done!
Recently a Georgia Pastor, Brian Bloye of West Ridge Church, claimed he believes too many Christians are not “living out the mission of Jesus”, are not “sharing the Gospel”: Ga. Pastor: Churches Full of Fat Sheep, Super-Sized on Religion, Christian News. But don’t they have…
HalleluYah! My wife and I were recently informed that I am licensed to Minister now
Is the use of the Law in Gospel preparation, as the WOTM Ministry teaches, the “easy evangelism” slammed by Pastor John MacArthur, as being “superficial” and “cost-free discipleship”? In his daily readings book John MacArthur’s passage for today clearly calls “foolish” those ministries who engage in “easy…
What these sign holders do not realize is that Jesus wants to rescue them; He doesn’t want more people under the weight of their sin, but less. God commands everyone to repent; He desires all to be saved. These need only repent and trust the Savior to…
“I read recently where mother from Texas was sentenced to probation, and lost custody of her children–for spanking her daughter! “Rosalina Gonzales of Corpus Christi pleaded guilty on Wednesday to injury to a child for swatting the two-year-old on her buttocks.” More than 53 million…