A Purpose Driven Tragedy

Recently a Georgia Pastor, Brian Bloye of West Ridge Church, claimed he believes too many Christians are not “living out the mission of Jesus”, are not “sharing the Gospel”: Ga. Pastor: Churches Full of Fat Sheep, Super-Sized on Religion, Christian News. But don’t they have to HEAR the gospel to share it, Brian?

My experience as a Minister demonstrates the problem in the Christian church today is far more sinister than “super-sized” sheep or slothful servants. The REAL probem is that we have apostates living among us.; wolves among the Sheep; weeds among the Wheat; Un-converted sinners in our midst! And these may exist because they don’t hear the truth from the pulpit.

Out of the thousands of professing Christians I have spoken to personally I have found the majority aren’t who they think they are or claim to be because they have been lied to.

Millions of professing Christians don’t know the Gospel because they’ve never heard it; They aren’t even Christians themselves!

As I was stepping out of the Walmart in Dublin, Ohio, I was approached by a shining example of a youth group Christian teen. She had on her ‘green’ youth group t-shirt, she had ‘relevant’ color streaks down one side of her head and wore a badge that claimed she is who she said she was. The girl was wearing a big sparkling grin and was eloquent in her conversation, and immediately had me convinced she was sincere in not trying to bother me…

She was the perfect evangelist
…Or was she?

As Christine began I noted the big box in her hand and thought, “Oh, boy. I’m about to hear a pitch.” And even though I was right, she was indeed pitching me to help her youth group by buying something from her (which I don’t expect is legal, btw), I was immediately dismayed for a completely different reason than being hawked:

I never heard the Gospel from her.

Brian Bloye is a Pastor of a “purpose driven” church that clearly thinks Rick Warren’s motivational universalism is the Gospel. And yesterday I met an example of what such a false message produces: a motivated, upbeat, pleasant and convincing evangelist… for the a LIE; She wasn’t a Christian (and said this herself by the time we were done)!

A Christian is a sinner who has seen their sin (their lies, their stealing, their lusts, etc.) as exceedingly sinful. A Christian is a sinner that has repented of their sins, and turned to the One and Only Savior Jesus, for Salvation. A Christian is a grateful formerly depraved sinner who has received their forgiveness for their Law violations against a Just and Holy Creator. A Christian then desires to see souls saved. A Christian is a rescued reprobate who knows every day is one more opportunity to be a fisher of men, to the Glory of Jesus, in all they do, say and think.

And Christine admitted she was none of these things.

As I took her through the Good Person Test she slowly got more and more quiet and serious as she realized this was no coincidental meeting. All her bubbly joviality was gone, the “Purpose Driven” teen was gone and all that was left standing before me after she listened attentively to the Gospel, was a sinner who knew she was a sinner in the hands of a Justly angry God that wanted to save her, and was genuinely glad and worried about that. I don’t know if what I witnessed was just an act, but as I drove away I saw a pretty concerned girl making a phone call. Thankfully, having learned how to share my faith in Jesus Biblically, I know she has all she needs to make an informed decision. I also am sure she has no more excuses.

You can do that Christian!

As I left I reminded Christine the Bible says that today is her “Day of Salvation“; that she has no promise of another tomorrow, and that she will make a decision, right or wrong, this very night.

The Law had done it’s work in her heart, by the fact that her mouth stopped, and the Gospel showed her The Way. Christine was not a Christian, and realized that when she was faced with the Law of God.

I cannot imagine how sobering that must have been for that young lady to admit that to a complete stranger.

She said had never repented of her sins, had not even known what they were; and had not ever heard she even needed to do so. Is this the kind of message being disseminated in Churches today?

Christine did not know that God’s Wrath abides on all who refuse to repent and Trust the Savior, did not know that Jesus is the One and Only Christ, because she had never heard the Gospel. And here she was fund-raising and representing a Christian youth group. What a tragic statement about what passes for Christianity in America today.

What a “Purpose Driven” tragedy

Christine said she had always heard that God loved her, but never that He was angry at sinners, at her, every day, for her unrepentant sin. She did hear that August 28th, 2011. To God be the Glory, whatever the result. She will bring God glory in her salvation or in her sentence of Hell. God is Just.

As we spoke at length I had the very great privilege of giving her the complete Gospel, for the first time, and hearing that she understood what Jesus required of her, that very night, was uplifting, to say the least. She went away a very sober young lady, ready to get right with God, and I went away glad to be able to share my faith.

Did Christine repent? I don’t know. But I do know she knows the Gospel now and that is what mattered. Jesus was glorified and for that I am very grateful.

I bought a sun catcher from her and paid too much, but my sister will just love it.

No, Brian Boyle, Senior Pastor of a purpose driven mess, the problem is not with the hearers but with those whom they listen to. Preach the Gospel and the Lost will stop being fat and worthless, or, they will leave your church.

Are you ready to face the Cost for the Truth to be told by you Pastor?

Contact me and we will see if you are.

Patrick Burwell
Biblical Evangelism Trainer
Founder and President
OnlyJesusSaves.com/HowWillYouDo.org MinistriesAre you good enough to go to Heaven? Are you sure you are right with God?
Take this test and see how you will do on Judgment Day, and what you may need to do…
Go to http://HowWillYouDo.org because you have no promise tomorrow will ever come.