Al Mohler, What did the life of Steve Jobs profit him, in the end?

To GOD be the Glory, great things HE has done!

In the article posted on Christian News Al Mohler, a prominent Evangelical leader,  forgets the most important moral of Steve Jobs’ death:

By his own profession Steve didn’t honor God in life

By not repenting and trusting in the One and Only Savior with His sin payment, Steve Jobs will Glorify God in his Just sentence of Hell eternal. We actually don’t know what happened. We don’t know whether he repented on his death bed. God certainly did desire Steve Jobs to repent.

So what happened Al? Did you forget that no matter what a man accomplishes in this life it’s whether he has entrusted himself to Jesus in the next that matters?`

What did it profit Steve Jobs, to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?

Christian Leader Albert Mohler on Buddhist Steve Jobs, Christian News.

No matter how it appears to others that you live your life, to the apparent betterment of those in the world around you, or in the complete self involvement of your own desires, if you do not surrender and trust in Jesus to save you from the payment for your lies, stealing, lusting, or any other violation of the Ten Commandments, then you, like Steve Jobs, will be guilty.

And WHERE, Al Mohler, do the guilty go who stand before YHWH without The Atonement for their sins, available ONLY in the Blood of Jesus?

Al, the memory of Steve Jobs deserves the same response from us now as God will give him on Judgment Day, our utter rejection and condemnation of him for his refusing God’s Mercy.

Steve Jobs was a self-centered, self-serving, desperately wicked sinner, just as the Bible calls ALL of us. Steve Jobs needed a Savior and, by his own profession, died guilty in his sins.

To God be the Glory for His Just Sentence of Hell for ALL, and thanks be to God He has provided Mercy in the Payment His Son Jesus has made available for ‘whosoever will’.

Steve Jobs had his chance. And if you are reading this you still do, if you have not yet repented and trusted in Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Go to and let Jesus set you FREE, while you still can! Let God make your life worth something ETERNAL! Glory in Jesus!

It’s too late for Steve Jobs.

…but you still have a chance to receive God’ Mercy.
So, what will you do?

Patrick J Burwell
G.A.E.A. Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus, the One and Only Christ