Tag: Patrick J Burwell, Director
My wife and I started an Evangelism site with the declaration that Jesus alone is the Salvation of man, for the encouragement and training of Christians on how to share their faith, and for the discipleship and mentoring of all Believers of Christ to seek and save the Lost. I am also a Street Preacher in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York, a Technology/Security Engineering VP, an Evangelist for our Church in PA (CalvaryChapelStroudsburg.com), and am the grateful father of three boys.
I have authored articles from the perspective of “no nonsense” Biblical Christianity, and am a student of BiblicalEvangelism.net, an online Evangelism training school. I have written articles for Worldviewtimes.com, DigitalJournal.com, who I recently resigned from for their incessant abridgment of Christian content, our site and numerous online blogs and social networks.
Why I’m neither Calvinist nor Arminian | Ray Comfort
by Ray Comfort of LivingWaters.com, Posted on Facebook, Sept 11th, 2014
To Whom Do You Belong, Christian?
“Instead, greedy men rushed to war against their own brothers, even in their own households.“
Amelia’s Wish
A lady named Amelia sharing the Evolution-vs-God clip said of Ray Comfort recently,”Man I wish I could speak to people like Ray Comfort does.” Amelia, Here are some tips I have noted on how and why Ray Comfort can seem to speak to people SO easily;…
Where DO YOU Draw the Line?
Co. Judge Orders Baker to Bake http://christiannews.net/2013/12/07/colorado-judge-orders-christian-baker-to-make-cakes-for-same-sex-ceremonies-or-face-fines/ Bring Yah Glory Here is the thing: If you profess to be a Christian you cannot think more highly of yourself than you ought (Romans 12:3). In some of the comments (to the above article) I have…
Simple Holiness?
‘Private Property’ Claims On the Rise to Stop Evangelizing in Public Parks
New Jersey Police Charge Six Christians for Evangelizing in Public Park | Christian News Network I find it shocking how many Police Department Managers seriously believe Christian Evangelizing is illegal. Some Police have even been overheard saying the Churches are next! What is going on here? Recently the favorite…