Christian Arrested for Preaching that Homosexuality is Sin (

Shawn Holes was taken to jail in Glasgow Scotland for speaking the truth about homosexuality: “We were preaching today on the streets and experiencing much adversity from police. We were warned not to preach against homosexuality, and if we did we could get arrested. Brother…

Pro-Active -vs- Re-Active Evangelism

Is the preaching of the Gospel to be proactive or reactive? The answer should be clear… The focus of this latest article of mine was to encourage Christians to not let anyone walk away from them thinking that right living is to be emulated, as…

Minn. Pastor Parts with Congregation Over Homosexuality

A Little Falls, Minn., pastor recently spoke out about his decision to resign after his congregation rejected a motion to leave the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Rev. Nate Bjorge told the Brainerd Dispatch that First Lutheran Church’s vote last month to stay in…