Pro-Active -vs- Re-Active Evangelism

Is the preaching of the Gospel to be proactive or reactive?

The answer should be clear…

The focus of this latest article of mine was to encourage Christians to not let anyone walk away from them thinking that right living is to be emulated, as if works is the path to righteousness. But alas I am being argued with in the comments for the article. that I am wrong. I will endeavor to explain it again…

The movie “The Blind Side” demonstrates the actions of the Tuohy family is what “real” Christians do. I have NO issue with that, this is exactly correct, to a point. If the movie is being touted as demonstrationg what the Gospel is, then that is wrong. By Sandra Bullock’s response to what Touhy said to her “at length” she demonstrates this is what she believes she was emulating.

Sandra Bullock believes Christianity is good works

But if ANYONE says the evidence of Christ’s change in a person is what evangelism is, then they are to be corrected with the truth. If anyone believes the actions of Leah Anne Touhy are what the Gospel is, that it can be pointed to as being the “real” Gospel, then they are mistaken. That is a social gospel and heresy.
Christ must be proclaimed to the Lost or all your “work” is useful only to send well fed, well cared for sinners to Hell.

I am a Christian because Jesus showed me the truth. I learned what I was required to do through multiple sources. And most important in that work was a couple who took me in as a boarder and mentored me in the things of the world and explained to me the thing of God – for 7 Years.
We had many loooooong talks and they put up with a lot from me as I gleaned the truth from them.

Question: Did their actions preach the Gospel to me?
Answer: No. what their “work” did was to demonstrate to em God’s love in a way no one ever did.

Question: Did their Godly care for me explain the Gospel to me and what I needed to do?
Answer: No. but we had many discussions as I battled with my own heart over surrendering to God.

Question: Did I come away from their home a Christian?
Answer: No. But I did repent and trust as I considered all that I heard shortly after. (Did Sandra Bullock?)

Question: Did my friend’s actions in any way explain what God wanted from me?
Answer: No.

Question: Am I appreciative, grateful to God, that I lived there?
Answer: YES.

Question: Why?
Answer: Because I EXPERIENCED the love of God without having to repent yet.

Knowing God loves you cannot save you

Your work is the results of your love for God. If you believe you are ONLY to care for people in actions then you have missed the mark.

The gospel is NOT hard to explain, if you know how; if you understand the Way Jesus preached.

When you use the Law, the Ten Commandments, to explain what sin is to a sinner; When you explain using the Law of God why they need saving and why Hell is reasonable, to a sinner, then they will understand the Gospel, clearly. Fail to use the Law before the Gospel and you WILL get the Sandra Bullock-like response of “I’m still a good person,” clearly demonstrating they have missed what they must do to be saved.

Anyone who claims his own righteousness before God deserves Hell.

Christian, there is no greater love than someone lay down their life for a friend. So lay down your life, lay down your pride. Take the time and EXPLAIN to your friend that, if they leave this life TODAY without repenting and trusting in Jesus, they will be sentenced to Hell Eternal – and they will deserve it.

PLEASE, don’t waste another minute just being their friend, SPEAK.

Patrick Burwell,

It’s not hard. I’ve successfully explained the Gospel to over 10,000 sinners in only three years.