Christian Arrested for Preaching that Homosexuality is Sin (

Shawn Holes was taken to jail in Glasgow Scotland for speaking the truth about homosexuality:

“We were preaching today on the streets and experiencing much adversity from police. We were warned not to preach against homosexuality, and if we did we could get arrested. Brother Shawn Holes was preaching when a group of young people began to shout questions at him. One question that they insisted on getting an answer was the issue of homosexuality. Shawn told them it was a sin against God, and that he loved them, and this is why he was telling them the truth, After he stepped down from preaching he was arrested and taken into custody. He will be in jail until tomorrow. He will stand before the judge tomorrow, and see what will come of this. Apparently this may be the first time this crime has been brought before a judge in this specific manner. ”

I have a thought that may be helpful when it comes to the issue of homosexuality. If someone in a crowd taunts you as to what the Bible says about homosexuality, pass him a Bible and ask him to read 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 out loud to the crowd. I wonder how the police would handle that one. All he did was what you would have done–read the Bible out loud. It would be an interesting precedent.

**From Newsletter**

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