Tag: Articles
Symantec Overrides Parental Choice to Promote Abortion
Norton Connect-Safe is blocking PRO-Life sites but not Planned Parenthood? I was shocked recently to discover Symantec has begun filtering websites on an anti-Christ classification, but I had hoped I was wrong… When I found the Belkin router I bought from Walmart was updated by…
Senator Pat Toomey Claims Murdering Children to Save Women Is Ok?
Congressman (PA) Pat Toomey recently responded to an email I sent him in asking him to side with Christians globally against abortion under ANY circumstance. He said he is for keeping abortion legal, keeping legal the brutal and painful murder of innocent children legal. SO…
Howard Frank, Bigot, Sinner (PoconoRecord.com)
In the Sunday Pocono Record article, on Sunday, March 2, 2014, Howard Frank demonstrated an uncanny ability in twisting truth to make evil sound good, in his columned article entitled, “US wages holy war on LGBTs”. Just when did rescuing Christians from being FORCED to…
Amelia’s Wish
A lady named Amelia sharing the Evolution-vs-God clip said of Ray Comfort recently,”Man I wish I could speak to people like Ray Comfort does.” Amelia, Here are some tips I have noted on how and why Ray Comfort can seem to speak to people SO easily;…
The One World Religion is here!
“The Episcopal Church has a history of heading down the fast road of apostasy. Their acceptance of homosexuality, abortion, witchcraft, and its departure from biblical Christianity has led it into the ecumenical movement of interfaith and the one-world false religious system. Retired Bishop William Swing has a vision…
Do You Love Me?
What are the earmarks of authentic Christianity?