Street Preach The Way Jesus Did, David Swanson

I have often heard straw men arguments used to decry open air  preaching, but those trying to stop street preachers are making a serious mistake.

Open Air Preaching is what Jesus did.

Tell me exactly where in your article , David, you explain Jesus tells us to engage young people to “pursue beauty and friendship and community” in order save their souls? Your assumption these young men open air preach because they believe “salvation from Hell is the primary motivation for a relationship with God” was an erroneous leap of logic. Neither was your case that the “creative engagement” shows of musicians is more effective at saving souls. Lofty music cannot save souls without the Gospel, David.

Open Air the Way Jesus Did, David Swanson

As a rule I do use the Law of God first when I preach; The Law, the Ten Commandments, is what God tells us is perfectly designed to convert souls. Without the preaching of the Law first you will either create false converts hardened against the truth or you will make a mockery of the Gospel among the lost, bringing the name of Jesus scorn when sinners don’t get what they came to Jesus for.

Listen to seasoned Street Preachers and you might change your opinion.

Turn or Burn” t-shirts is not an effective evangelism technique, I agree. Even if we may be thinking it we know what we mean, the Lost does not. If a sinner sees only that message they will not understand why they need saving. But don’t fault the enthusiasm of these young men for trying to save souls. Be like a brother and encourage them in the right way. There is nothing “vitriolic” about showing the lost they are doomed to Hell eternal without Jesus, unless you think it’s wrong to tell sinners the truth, David.

Tell them of Hell because you care!

Now, you do make a good point, David, about tone. But know that when you preach open air you MUST raise your voice, as Jesus did.

It’s not about being rude, it’s about being heard.

When some say, “effective forms of communication have changed since the ancient era” they seem to be implying preaching the way Jesus did is wrong for this era. I beg to differ. Times may have changed but people have not.

Anyone that assumes using a bullhorn is wrong is only demonstrating they have never attempted to preach to a crowd for any long length of time. The very arduousness of such a task calls for a bullhorn. Thankfully, though, I am one of those rare few that can project very nicely without acoustic assistance. But not everyone can do this.

As to elevating yourself about the crowd, acoustics is also a reason. Also, when you are physically above people on a stand, the hearers tend to stand back, which is helpful when you get the blessing of good hecklers. Hecklers tend to get in your face and then no one can hear the exchange, unless you are higher than they are. A good heckler makes a crowd grow very large indeed if they can be heard!

The way the Savior preached is good enough for me!

I do not say screaming “You’re going to Hell!” is an effective means of evangelism, but unless you are using the Law (Exodus 20:3-17) to prepare the heart of the listeners to hear the Gospel, YOU’RE WASTING YOUR TIME, with most people. Some, and I mean a very few, will already be broken, either by circumstances God has taken them through, or by their willing choice to submit. But the method Jesus demonstrated in reaching the lost clearly shows we should use the same approach for everyone when preaching open air.

There are things to watch and listen for in an individual discussion, by way of their response, which will tell you when to “cut to the chase.” When the sinner stops trying to justify themselves they are ready to hear of God’s Mercy. But most do require an “initial Law work”, as Martin Luther said. All men will declare their own righteousness, given the chance, so you have to learn to know when to give them God’s Grace, lest you throw pearls before swine!!!

Law to the Proud, Grace to the Humble

It’s what Jesus did.

I have personally had the privilege to preach to over 10,000 people this way, and I tell you it is the right use of the Law of God that shows a man his sinfulness before a Just and Holy God, who is angry at sin EVERY DAY; the Law prepares the heart of a man properly to receive the Gospel. No other means will work.

A point about counting converts: WE DO NOT COUNT a successful preaching encounter by the number of professing converts. So many evangelism crusaders have done this, and so many have proven the folly of such a tactic as a justification of their methods. You must preach the truth and then trust God knows what HE is doing.

Preaching rightly is more important than numbers

Jesus didn’t count converts, why should you?

For details on how to preach the Gospel Biblically, the way Jesus did and taught, and the way the Disciples emulated as well, go to

Until Jesus gives us all another means, we must use the foolishness of STREET PREACHING to win the lost.

To my fellow Preachers I ask that you look to your tone, as Paul warned Timothy. Check your heart, your motive, but PREACH ON! Let your compassion for the Lost move you to speak, not some false pride from knowing what they do not.

Seek the Lost while you still can.
See you out there!

To those who do not seek the lost on the street, those thinking that doing Church is somehow what Jesus meant by soul winning, I ask you to remember what Charles Spurgeon once said,

“If you have no desire to see souls saved you are NOT saved yourself, be sure of that!”

The Preaching of the Gospel is what God has chosen to deliver men from Hell with, not lofty music void of the Gospel.

I would love to prove what I say to you some time, David.

Email me…

Patrick J. Burwell,
Respond to me at

3 thoughts on “Street Preach The Way Jesus Did, David Swanson

  1. I guess all I can do is street preach since the church organizations in my area will not accept me because I trust in Jesus alone. I used to preach in the church, now they won’t let me. That’s ok, to the street I am.

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