He Sets the Captives Free

Posted to www.ChristianWorldviewNetwork.com: 09/16/2008

He Sets the Captives Free

By Patrick Burwell

Obey the Law, Ray Boltz, or pay the fine… forever


In man’s courtroom you will find no Judgment but what the Law allows, and the Judge’s leeway will be swayed only by a humble heart. Arrogance will get “the book” thrown at you. And so it is with God’s Courtroom. This is, after all, where we get such a perspective from. But there will be no more “leeway” than has already been offered; and “the book” in God’s courtroom is His written Word, the Bible.

I find that when I am in court I become very aware of why we are so afraid to meet a Judge in session. Will I be treated fairly? Will this Judge get angry and make an “example” of me? Will I have enough money to avoid jail? We will do almost anything; agree to almost anything, to avoid his stern look and the sentence from his gavel.

These are some of the thoughts that run through your head as you wait to speak to just a civil Judge. What will be our thoughts as we wait to face Jesus? It’s too horrible to ponder.

The matters we all think of when we have to stand in a courtroom and answer to a representative of the law makes everyone flat out nervous and rightly so. God says we should do everything we can to avoid facing a Judge. In other words we should make peace before facing Him, be willing to judge ourselves and avoid being judged by the Law. Because if we refuse to be honest and deal with ourselves rightly we shall be given the cold hard facts by an unhappy Judge; by then it will be too late for you to plead anything but your guilt and hold your breath for the Judgment.


Why is that? Why do we refuse to be honest until we get slapped down by the Law?


Why do we require
such harsh treatment before we ‘wise up?’ When you know you’ve done wrong there is nothing to be nervous about if you have been honest with your self. You’ve done wrong and will have to pay for your treachery.
If you know you’ve been dealt with unfairly (there’s that word we all so love to use when it’s about our “rights”) then you have nothing to fear from the Law, provided the Judge is honest. If the judge is dishonest, though you might be dealt with unjustly now, but the dishonest Judge’s own punishment will be far greater than yours ever was. This may be little consolation to those who have been unjustly handled with by man’s law, but, know this, that the just Judge feels his responsibility, every single day. A good Judge is acutely aware of his burden to right ruling because he knows Who his Judge truly is.


So, can you imagine what Jesus must think of us when he sees our blatant rebellion? Rebellion like this recent Ray Boltz nonsense; about his admission to being born a deviate and then his conclusion that he might as well be one wholeheartedly, as if being born in sin is so unique!

RAY! We are ALL deviates! DUH! Why do you think we need saving???
But just giving yourself over to your dark heart isn’t an answer. You certainly will not avoid your sin standing naked in front of Jesus!
REPENT Ray Boltz, Repent!


Pray for Ray, Brothers… and someone please tell him his mullet meant rebellion after all.

(I have never met anyone with a mullet or anyone who likes mullets who didn’t have sinful trouble with authority).


My friends, we are all born with the propensity to do all manner of evil. Anyone who refuses to believe this hasn’t been honest with themselves yet. You will get that chance standing in line waiting to see Jesus but by then your revelation will be too late.

You, CHRISTIAN, you need to go and hold up the mirror of the Law of Yahweh and let these rebellious fools see their reflection in it! Then, just maybe, you may see souls saved. Maybe they will come to their senses just like you did.

And in case anyone wants to know, the Gospel Music Association seems to not care where they get their money from or have any standards at all about their artists.


When asked about Boltz’s homosexuality, The Gospel Music Association — the group which gives out the Dove Awards — told the Blade, “We do not comment on the lifestyle choices of people in our community.”

 –OneNewsNow.com Reporter Jim Brown


Can I just make the obvious point here? Sin is not a lifestyle choice! It’s the answer of a fool, like I was, to
the loving rescue of a God who has done all He can to save us!

Thank fully I was told the truth; and thankfully God blessed me to hear it. And I am very grateful someone didn’t try to determine if I was “chosen” or not and just told me the truth.


It’s about time we all woke up and pay close attention to the clear signs God has given us all, the Heaven bound and Hell bound alike. The Heaven-bound need to wake up and see clearly the plight of the lost all around us and how to see men like Ray Boltz as the False Converts they are. And the Hell-bound must be awakened; told of their impending and inevitable sentence by the Judge of all the earth, should they refuse to love the truth. Their FINE for their crime will be ETERNAL.


There are so many Ray Boltz-like people playing at “Church.” But you can know what kind of tree it is by what clearly shows in the branches. Jesus can set Ray free, Jesus can save Ray from his just sentence of Hell, but Ray Boltz must first have truth over his sin and repent, as must we all.

“What sin?” you say? Well, for Ray, it’s the violation of the Seventh commandment. No homosexual will enter Heaven; all will have their place in the Lake of Fire, with the liars, thieves, adulterers and all others who sin. Jesus can save him but Ray must see himself in the light of the Law of God first and repent, for the first time. Or his latter end will be worse than his first.


WE HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM in the Church, and it’s time to hear what that problem is and FIX IT. Time is short. The fruits are obvious. And you and I have a commission to uphold, right here, all around us.




Patrick J. Burwell

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