CWN: Please Remain Seated…

Christian Worldview Network

By Patrick Burwell

Posted: 10/21/2008

Please Remain Seated…

”Be sober and self-controlled. Be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

Welcome now to the United Socialist States of America, the USSA for short? Has Khrushchev won? It would seem Marxism is now all the rage and a Socialist Extremist is now so close to being the President of our country that some are already talking of conflict. I, however, do not.

“Stay seated until the ride comes to a safe and complete stop.” as the amusement ride speaker says. The ride may get bumpy but keep your hands inside and don’t try to get out… yet.

I would not be at all surprised if conflict does not break out in some form over the radical swerve toward socialism our Republican President, one I voted for twice mind you, has taken us. Indeed I would shocked if anger does not spill over into action in some manner, as to not do so would signal just how far we have fallen asleep, should we not see a turning of this poisonous tidal rush, toward the socialization of America, in a reasonable amount of time. Oh for but a small sign of hope! To not take up arms against an oppressive government flies in the face of the signers of our own Constitution, but to do so without a sober consideration of the ramifications would be even more brash than these “bailouts” have been.

A peaceable response is still easily made, we have a lot of room to work within still, don’t worry.

So I ask for calm among the brothers so that cooler heads may yet prevail. Let us see where we shall be taken, and what we may yet do peaceably, before exercising the right our Declaration of Independence gives us. I would remind you, right here, of the “rights” Christians have, if we were talking face to face.

So please remain calm! Trust in Jesus!
Trust in these systems that were designed from the Scripture, with which we have built upon, forging so great a nation as the world has never seen. Shall we throw it away over anger at the actions of the Congress this week? No, my friends, we must not.

Let the checks and balances work; Employ the systems in place to correct the errors being foisted upon us by foolish men. Call your Congressmen, hold rallies, picket, write editorials, and speak out, LOUDLY and FORCEFULLY. But do not allow yourself the convenience of conflict too easily. It takes a much braver man, like Benjamin Franklin was, to face your oppressors and stand for the truth unflinchingly. Benjamin Franklin took the argument right to Parliament, and did so many times, before any other avenue of remedy was considered among the colonists, over the atrocities done them by the English Imperial Crown. Many other attempts were made to come to a peaceable conclusion with England, much was tried first within and outside the British legal and governing systems, before conflict was even thought of.

Remember what the South, the whole nation, suffered over the Civil War? I cannot say I am any smarter than these men who took up arms against their own nation over the unjust economies forced upon them by the greedy. But I do say we must not yet throw away our reliance on the infrastructures of our government. We must still rise to a greater diligence, willing still to hound the halls of justice and governance; angered though we may be, yet still remain civil; still remain obedient.

Give no reign to evil…

So my friends let us remain calm but resolute. Jesus may yet intervene, we may yet get the upper hand, if He so wills it. I cannot say we do not deserve our Saul, but we may not yet have to suffer him.

“Be sober and self-controlled. Be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Withstand him steadfast in your faith, knowing that your brothers who are in the world are undergoing the same sufferings”
1 Peter 5:8-9*

Though the admonition of Peter is not about being stalwart or about being careful as to not enter conflict too rashly when things don’t go your way, the principles are still quite clear and can be easily applied to today:

Remain sober minded and self-controlled. Keep trusting Jesus. Stand steadfast against what Satan would do.

The very nature of this nation leaves itself open to attack from within; only a diligent citizenry will preserve it.

Patrick J. Burwell

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