Disregard “An Evangelical Manifesto”

Re: The Evangelical Manifesto on http://anevangelicalmanifesto.com

The very thing I immediately noted was the lack of conviction in the url for this document with the word “an” in it’s address. A Manifesto cannot be presented half-heartedly; You are either stating we should adhere to it’s content or never mind attempting it. the obvious example is the Gospel. You either declare the truth as unequivocal or don’t bother opening your mouth.

But it was clear, upon reading this document, that it was created for the following reasons:

1. To try and bring “into the fold” those who are not Christ’s in an ill-conceived manner outside of the Biblical Gospel.

2. To reiterate the notion that Christians need not be involved with a particular group in politics.

3. To try and clarify what an Evangelical is by stating what an Evangelical does not do more than what an Evangelical does, or should, do.

I also saw a disturbing implication to the content of the Gospel being more of a socialist attempt to engineer change in the lives of those around us than the Merciful Salvation from Hell, and the Eternal Lake of Fire that we all deserve for our violations of Yahweh’s Law, that His Precious Son Yeshua bought at the cost of His own blood, sweat and tears.

And lastly, and most disturbingly, I note that the Father’s name is particularly absent. “God” is not a universal, whomever-you-want-Him-to-be God: Yahweh is His name and Yeshua is His Son. To disregard this fact borders on the same false teaching as was warned against in Deuteronomy 12, which the translators of the King James versions of the bible, among many, many others since, did wantonly, replacing every instance of Yeshua’s name with His title.

I must therefore conclude that this “Evangelical Manifesto” is unnecessary, ill advised and unwise both in it’s lack of intent, content and commendation.

We would all be best to disregard “An Evangelist Manifesto” as nothing more than a disturbingly pandering diatribe to those to whom we need not capitulate.

Patrick J. Burwell