The Results of the False Gospel Demonstrated Again: Prestonwood Baptist’s Shame


Patrick Burwell’s Column
May 16th, 2008

The Results of the False Gospel Demonstrated Again!

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What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? May it never be! We who died to sin, how could we live in it any longer? Romans 6:1-2 (WEB)

The Prestonwood Baptist Belief Statement is seemingly biblical. Their online explanation for salvation is in keeping with the standards of the SBC, but there is an obviously missing piece, and this missing portion of the Gospel is the key to seeing souls saved. Here is their content on how to be a Christian:

New Life in Christ

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
– John 14:6

We are excited about your interest in receiving new life in Christ! We understand that you may not be comfortable speaking with a decision counselor after a worship service. Below, you will find answers to questions you may have about Christianity. If you would like to discuss your questions in person, please contact the Bible Fellowship Minister for your age group.

In their “How to become a Christian” and “How to be sure you are a Christian” pages linked above you can see the same theme of skipping lightly over sin without explaining what it is and a speaking to “something missing” and that you have “a purpose” God wants to fulfill. Nowhere is there a clear presentation of the Gospel. There is only this muddled, “wonderful plan” nonsense that leaves room for such gross sin as one of their Pastors, Joe Barron, was caught red-handed in. A leader in their Church caught in the act of soliciting who he thought was a 13 year old girl but was actually an undercover officer of the Law!

Maybe if Joe had heard sin explained with the LAW of God he might have repented and been reconciled to God? The truth that Yahweh hates the proud sinner, that He will cast into Hell all who continue in sin, unrepentant, may have saved the name of Y’Shua from the shame Joe brought him. Maybe if the Law was used as it should be, to explain what sin is to prepare the heart of the sinner to seek reconciliation with Yahweh rightly, we would not again see another example of the false gospel in an American pulpit. Was the shame of Ted Haggard not enough to wake American Pastors and Elders up to the need that every Church board must see if they and their leaders are themselves in the faith before another day goes by?

Where was the discernment of his elders? Where was the accountability of his peers? Was there no one Godly to see this man was in deadly sin?

The Southern Baptist Convention must pull their affiliation immediately from the Prestonwood Baptist Church, publically condemning this act of betrayal, and announce a full accountability investigation into the circumstances and lack of hierarchical oversight that allowed this man to continue in gross sin, first and foremost, and also how he could be in a leadership position. Counseling and interviews of every leader must begin immediately at Prestonwood to see if they are indeed in the faith to the complete satisfaction of the SBC. All services and programs must HALT until the SBC is satisfied this church is not an apostate lie. Anything less would be tantamount to capitulation and a winking at sin

The true SHAME of all of this is that the Prestonwood Baptist Church has no mention of this sin on their site, no acknowledgment of the wrong committed; no public outcry and condemnation made by them (as of yet). WHERE is the SHAME of his leaders? Why does the congregation not picket their doors, in public view, until they submit to the SBC investigation?

Repent, Pastors of America, and call sin what it is: a violation of the LAW, the Ten Commandments of Yahweh. Stop this nonsense about Jesus filling some need: Jesus came to save sinners from their right reward of Hell and the Eternal Lake of Fire. Preach repentance from sin and the right reconciliation through a surrendered life to Jesus, Y’Shua, the Messiah, savior of all who love Yahweh and STOP MAKING false converts! And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE stop hiring perverts!

But for the cowardly, unbelieving, sinners, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death. Revelation 21:7 (WEB) Be CLEAR., save SOULS, Honor Jesus, and please, PLEASE, stop sinning, Pastors!

Patrick Burwell
Founder /

Patrick’s Archives

Footnotes :

(1) Romans 6:2

(2) Revelation 21:7

.If you do not desire to deliver the lost from Hell, then whose are you?.
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