The Bible: A Hate Book?

By Patrick Burwell,

“We will be able to know who is who more easily as the Last Day approaches, because we, who are His, WILL suffer persecution for our stand for Christ.”

Will all these new hate crime legislation ban the Bible as a book of hate?

The federal representatives of our states, here in the USA, will be deciding on legislation * that, if passed, will define civil rights classifications as federally protected against “hate crimes.” A case the ACLJ succeeded with * may have set a precedent to prevent this attack against morality from being effective, but only lawyers know. But, homosexuality is one of those classifications being included in this bill to be protected against all “hate speech.”

What does this do? Isn’t it wrong to judge people?

Well no, if you judge yourself according to the same standard you judge with. But, if you define someone as a sinner, as the Bible does *, who is federally protected by this legislation, your remarks will be considered “hate speech” and you will then have committed a federal crime!

And we must also realize then, if sexual immorality becomes federally protected, thus making saying such acts are immoral a crime, no Christian will ever be able to vote again!

If that isn’t clear enough let me explain further:

If this Bill passes, H.R 254, then the Bible will be fully removed from the public as a federally classified source of “hate speech”, as it has been attempted to be classified as already in Canada, under Canadian “hate crimes” law Bill C-250. A Pastor already has been threatened with imprisonment in Canada by a “Human Rights Tribunal” under the same premise as our own bill. The “crime” of this Pastor, as reported on in September of ‘05, was that he * ”published a letter to the editor in the Red Deer Advocate, in which he denounced homosexuality as immoral and dangerous, and called into question new gay-rights curriculums (sic) permeating the province’s educational system.””

A homosexual is classified by God, in the Bible, as a sinner *, or, more specifically, as one who has violated the Seventh Commandment *. The Bible says very clearly where all sinners go * (Hell)Further explanations are made in the Torah, the Books of the Law of Yahweh *, which are the first five books of the Bible. The Torah explains homosexuality as being not only deviance from nature and a curse from God for idolatry *, but this particular sin is an abomination and vile in Yahweh’s sight! In Romans Paul explained homosexuality as the “vile passions…” God gave the Israelites over to for their idolatry. Idolatry is not just to make a golden calf, like the Israelites did in the Exodus, but it is to make God what we want Him to be so that we can continue, comfortable in our sin, with no accountability from this false god we have made.

But something much more important needs to be addressed than merely protecting free speech or the Bible or our rights as citizens: we must address why these things are happening. Since Roe-v-Wade, over 45 MILLION children have been murdered in the USA. And some of the methods we have used to murder our children are beyond belief *. We have been sacrificing our children to our god of selfishness and convenience; we have committed the same sins as Israel did in the Old Testament. The offense against Yahweh and the resultant suffering He is now allowing to bring our nation to repentance, should tell us what is wrong.

So, God help us? NO! WE MUST REPENT, AMERICA. And this repentance must begin with the Church, with the Christians. We can choose to humble ourselves or learn obedience by what we suffer. Remember God promises we will be corrected if we are His children.

Clearly, Yahweh is also causing the sheep to be differentiated from the goats with all of this; we will be able to know who is who more easily as the Last Day approaches, because we, who are His, WILL suffer persecution for our stand for Christ. And don’t think you will escape from what is coming, you who reject Jesus, because, Jesus said, in Matthew, that the weeds would be gathered on the Last Day, so you will be here for it  all, unless you repent.

So, to the Christians I say, “Hold to the truth and do not waver, come what may.” and to those who continue to reject Jesus as their rescuer I say, REPENT:

Come quickly Lord Jesus!

Patrick J Burwell
Evangelist and Author

(Originally posted February 19, 2007)
(Edited and resubmitted February 16
th, 2007 for clarity, grammar and to remedy an error in detail)
(Corrected erroneous non-essential theology May 31, 2015)


  1. H.R. 254, The David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007
  2. ACLJ Gets First Amendment Victory in 6-Year-Old National Day of Prayer Case in Arizona:
    Topic: Establishment Clause, Equal Access | 2003
    Gentala v. City of Tucson
    After six years of litigation, the ACLJ was successful in protecting the constitutional rights of a group of citizens who applied to use a public park in Arizona for a National Day of Prayer Event. After the Supreme Court issued a decision in a separate, unrelated case, the high Court granted our petition and vacated an appeals court ruling against our client – ordering the trial court to reconsider the case based on the Supreme Court’s decision in the Good News Club case. The trial court finally held that the city of Tucson’s discriminatory treatment of our client must end – ruling that the city’s action infringed upon our client’s right to equal access to a public park.
  3. [WEB] Lev 18:22 “‘You shall not lie with a man, as with a woman. That is detestable.”
  4. The Ten Commandments :
  5. [WEB] 1 Cor 6 “9 Or don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortioners, will inherit the Kingdom of God.
  6. The Pentateuch:
  7. For this reason, God gave them up to vile passions…”
  8. Bill C-250
  9. Alberta Christian Pastor Hauled Before Human Rights Tribunal For Letter to Editor on Homosexuality
  10. Testimony of Jill Stanek and Allison Baker to the US Congress
  11. Timeline of BAIPA: