An Answer to Phil Johnson in his article  “Evangelical Bunko Artists

Have Evangelicals Gone INSANE?

Thanks Phil for being so clear.

We’ve had enough dissembling from Liberty Staffers.

The sad fact for me in reading your article was learning about Mike Warnke’s lies. I realized in reading his sad story that I had wondered what happened to him. I was moved by his stories as a youth, until the day he wanted a ridiculous payment to speak at our little church I was attending back in 1985-1986. I had smelled a rat then and nixed it with the pastor. YEARS later I find out he was a wolf after all. Wow.
Then I learned a Bible teacher I had trusted implicitly divorced his wife and ran off with his secretary. I cannot even remember his name now I was so angry about it.
It was with that betrayal I realized something was really wrong in Evangelicalism. It made me kind shaky.
Little did I know how corrupt we all were, how deceived I WAS.
As more and more leaders showed they were charlatans I started to wonder if maybe the Church in America wasn’t totally apostate. I started to wonder what was true.
So when I found out I was myself a false convert I learned the truth about the two American Christian churches: One is a lie and I had believed that one. Thanks be to God alone Jesus got my attention with a couple of missionaries recently home from Peru. And then later a short little video by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron showed me how to preach the Truth effectively. I couldn’t seem to find anyone in the Church who could explain that but them. Since then the Living Waters ministry has been a mainstay for me.
But betrayal reared it’s ugly head again. The wife in that same couple who brought me to the Lord LEFT HER 70+ year old HUSBAND to live in a cult!
Is American Evangelicalism INSANE?
With hearing John Piper likes the heretic Rick Warren and Ergun Caner doesn’t care he is sullying Liberty University’s reputation, I’m starting to realize what Paul meant when he said “work out your salvation daily, with fear and trembling.” He touched on the truth of what we are all seeing; Something John MacArthur hinted at recently. If King David could be such a blatant sinner and still be Born Again then can anyone can be trusted? “How far is too far”” is the warning I get from the Apostle James and all these happenings. WHO is WHO?
I say then let’s look to ourselves, gentlemen, and lets make sure we have been, and remain, pure examples of what a Christian does. If you have not been, are not now, what Jesus would be like, and remain unrepentant, then take all the these fallen as the warning they should be taken for:

Your sins will surely find you out.

Jesus may yet save you but you will be received only as if through a fire. Is that the way you want to face Jesus, brothers?

I know I don’t and I’m taking inventory!

Patrick Burwell, OnlyJesusSaves.com