I do #love your energy, Tim Tebow, and I agree Child Anti-trafficking is a worthy cause; There are many, many such causes, just as worthy. I wonder though, have you maybe lost sight of what a Christian’s #1 purpose here is, Tim Tebow?
Christians get caught up in so many matters that, though are very worthy, are not The Priority; Celebrity can be very tempting to use and MOST are used to distract us from our Task on Earth instead of FOR IT…
Just because it seems good does not make it so..
Our enemy is like a roaring lion walking about to see whom he can devour. And, if he can get you distracted from seeing souls saved, well, Satan is ALL FOR you doing whatever that wonderful thing your doing is; he will HELP you be very successful in it, so long as you don’t speak to anyone about how their sins can be forgiven. Remember, just because it seems good does not make it so..
…lose the forest for the trees…
I’ve seen people feeding the homeless, rescuing children from abortion, taking care of orphans, and feeding Jewish widows… And, wow, are all those things good works! But Jesus warned us against distraction, when He was here. Some of the these causes Jesus mentioned we should do, but He cautioned us NOT to lose our focus. I’ve seen even Pastors, who were supposed to have Divine focus, lose the forest for the trees, and get wrapped up in maintaining Church while forgetting to seek the Lost; Ministers can get so immersed in some speciliazed ministry they’re doing everything BUT sharing the Gospel. And, when you call them on it, they complain that what they’re doing is good so why stop? What is The point?
The Gospel, Why Jesus Came, is first, all else is secondary…
No sane person is telling you to stop doing good, but if that you have lost your first love, your first focus, if THE Gospel Is a SIDE JOB now, then STOP.
I get SO TIRED of seeing soul-winners having to live like homeless people, when Christians should be funding them THE MOST, ABOVE ALL!
Maybe that is why the Bible seems to paint the picture that those who live God most would be the ones most rejected…
So, I ask you, Tim Tebow, where are ALL YOUR videos of YOUR preaching to strangers on the street of how to have their sins forgiven? Why are those videos not public, for all to see? Why are you NOT using your celebrity to share Jesus to those who would listen because of WHO YOU ARE?
TOO COSTLY, TIM? I understand.
But, do you want to know what Jesus did the whole time He was here? HE PREACHED THE GOSPEL
Name one orphanage, name one soup kitchen, name one child anti-trafficking center Jesus opened; Name one politician, even, that Jesus got elected? He didn’t.
When Jesus fed people He did so because He had compassion on them. But they followed Him for a reason (And it was not for only food). They followed Jesus to see what He would do, to see if He was The Promised Messiah!
Jesus, The Way, THE LIFE..
T H E T R U T H… https://onlyjesussaves.org/docs/books/For_the_Love_of_the_Truth/FortheLoveoftheTruth-AnAdventureinEvangelism.pdf
So come work with me, Tim Tebow; Call up and help Mark Cahill make a Gospel Preaching Center, Make something we can all send people around the world from to SEE SOULS SAVED.
Use your celebrity for the Gospel, as your priority.
Tell me, wouldn’t that be a worthy cause, Tim Tebow?
Patrick Burwell, OnlyJesusSaves.org