Biden Caught with a Wire?

Is this the kind of deceptive practices YOU want in your Presidential nominee?

A wire is clearly seen against Joe Biden’s shirt during last night’s debate broadcast on Right Side Broadcasting Network last night….

As we watched the debate on the X-Box we noticed Biden reach under his jacket… I thought nothing of it until when you zoom in on the video and there it was! JUST AS PRESIDENT TRUMP predicted he would do, Joe Biden wore something electronic! Was Biden being PROMPTED ELECTRONICALLY?

Maybe it was the WIRELESS RECIEVER for his MojoVision contacts?
Did you notice his eyes are BLACK in the video? Biden’s eyes are BLUE, so he was wearing mojo Vision contacts as a teleprompter.

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Well it’s no WONDER Biden refused to be checked, if he was wired…

President Trump openly wondered about Biden and how he was going to pull off a debate when Joe couldn’t remember what he was doing so often…

How is Joe going to keep up?

Well, I tell you, that is a tough job, being President -and Joe already looks like he is done, after 47 years of doing nothing but ensure his next paycheck comes from the bribers (lobbyists and others).
I tell you, Joe Biden’s Socialism is the biggest problem, that and he is Anti-Life, Anti-Marriage, Anti-Defense, and Anti-Law and Order.

And don’t let’s start this NONSENSE about Jesus being a Socialist… He CLEARLY was not…

Look, this shows what we need to decide on…

…and Biden stands against everything we are for…
…It’s just that simple…

Vote Biblically, Vote conservative and vote for President Trump.

Ephesians 5:6-7 and Colossians 3:5-8 says God’s wrath comes upon such, and we are not to be “partakers” with them. So vote rightly and stand for the Truth…

…and remember, a Socialist is just an immature Communist, and Socialism kills.
My family didn’t fight communism and fascism only to let it take over OUR nation from the inside. America is in REAL danger and it is up to CHRISTIANS to stand against the evil that would destroy her.


The United States of America was founded to protect religious freedom, not plurality or secularism…

Was America Founded to Be Secluar?

Read the Truth of Why America was settled:
