Old Navy Advocates For Sexual Deviance

I liked Old Navy for their comfortable clothes, until today…  “‘The nationally prominent clothing outlet has announced it will sell ‘gay pride’ T-shirts in support of presidentially proclaimed “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month.’” –Old Navy going ‘gay’, OneNewsNow.com Is anyone else thinking what…

The G.A.E.A., for Biblical Ordination, Accountability and Discipleship

Why do we need the General Assembly Evangelistic Association (G.A.E.A)? Pastor Gerald J Dombroski, Bishop of the General Assembly Evangelistic Association in Canton, Ohio, and President of this ministerial licensing agency, explained to OnlyJesusSaves.com Ministries why the G.A.E.A is needed. Why is another ordination association…

WHY Christians Engage In Politics

“27 pastors led an effort to recruit candidates and organize a petition drive to repeal the ordinance.” “The commission voted in February to add sexual orientation and a new definition of gender identity to its anti-discrimination policy. The new policy — which opponents had argued contained vague…

KJV 400th Anniversary Celebration – YouVersion.com

Today, all over the world, the KJV Bible was read multiple times over in 400 seconds for the KJV 400th Anniversary Celebration – YouVersion.com. #KJV400 @YouVersion OnlyJesusSaves.com participated by reading Isiah 21 aloud at the Stroud Mall in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTQ1eeEds1E