Happy Thanksgiving To Our Servicemen in the Field

Missing Home Been there, done that, got that t-shirt! I know what that’s like; that terrible yearning loneliness, even while you are among friends. When you miss your family on these holidays you can feel like a heavy blanket is being wrapped around you. But there…

What Makes a Group Non-Christian – BiblicalEvangelism.net

“What gives you the right to judge me?” To pronounce another religious group to be false can seem a pompous undertaking, especially in a culture that preaches tolerance for everything from homosexuality to a mother’s “right” to kill her unborn child. Tolerance is the banner…

Only Jesus Saves: Paige Patterson

“It comes down to a question of truth. Every false religious expression is a religion of darkness. That doesn’t mean there are no good things in that faith. It’s not an effort to fail to notice the value of these things. But if Jesus is…