Who Keeps Me If I Can Choose?

As Charles Spurgeon recognized, we see both Election and Free Will exist simultaneously in Scripture, so, BOTH are true. Because Truth cannot contradict we must be missing something. The answer, the source of the dilemma, is in what man cannot see: Time. Time is a construct designed by God. We are…

FOR JESUS, isn’t That the Answer?

You have plenty of goods stored up for many years; relax, eat, drink, celebrate! But God said to him, You fool… The Battle We all are battling with the filth and downright idol worship portrayed on the television we are PAYING for to get the…

ALL Sexual Deviance is S-I-N

‘We have a gay child. We love them and we don’t want to kick them out. How do we go forward?’” http://www.cbsnews.com/news/evangelicals-with-gay-children-challenge-church/ How is this so hard to grasp for so many professing Christ? Sexual deviance, no matter what direction it is in, is SIN….

Mosque For Jesus Friday – November 28th

Christine Wieck – The Lady who defied the ecumenicism of the National Cathedral, is calling for all Christians nationwide to make November 28th the day we protest Islam in Christian Churches, because Muslims, using Taqiyah, spoke a prayer to their moslem idol in the National…

From Christine Weick – Preaches Jesus at the National Cathedral of the USA

When I read of a woman who was ejected from the National Cathedral because she was “heckling” Muslims, I immediately took notice. “Why was a Muslim in an Episcopal Church?”, I thought. When I saw this video I understood… Christine Weick drove 400 miles ONE…