Sing a Little Louder, “Brothers”, I can still hear the screaming

I am sick of professing Christians whining why they don’t vote, that they aren’t “of this world”, all while the nation millions of Brethren died to establish and hold free crumbles around them. Since when does the Bible say Believers should not defend? These Deceivers…

Pastor Calls Christians to Prepare

Pastor David Jeremiah is warning Christians about what they can do to prepare to live in a new world order. Any Believer who thinks this nation will survive as anything but a back-water remnant of what we once were, in the nearing total collapse of our…

Christian Preaching = Gay Bashing, in England

Cops arrest preacher over Christian beliefs This is the direct result of what happened to Shawn Holes in Scotland. Some have said, and I have used their ideas myself, that Christians should not allow the Gospel to be stopped by torqued deviates. Ray Comfort…

Conservatives (Christians) ‘Have to Meet in Secret’ and ‘Talk in Whispers’ []

Seems the tables have turned in Hollywood and now the communists are the ones on the witch hunt. Seems Senator MacArthy was RIGHT. – Screenwriter Andrew Klavan: Conservatives ‘Have to Meet in Secret’ and ‘Talk in Whispers’ in Hollywood. Share you faith while you…

American Christianity Misses the Point Again -WHY?

American Christianity Misses the Point Again -WHY? In the article on entitled “Prejean will retain crown” the author missed the blatantly obvious point that so many professing Christianity here in the USA have, apparently willingly, chosen to ignore as well: Miss Prejean is not…