Subway Ministering, January 2015

As I came out of the subway, after an interview, I saw these people ministering in the tunnel and decided to join them. This group of folks had placards sitting along the wall and they were handing out tracks and holding up signs, but they…

FOR JESUS, isn’t That the Answer?

You have plenty of goods stored up for many years; relax, eat, drink, celebrate! But God said to him, You fool… The Battle We all are battling with the filth and downright idol worship portrayed on the television we are PAYING for to get the…

Amelia’s Wish

A lady named Amelia sharing the Evolution-vs-God clip said of Ray Comfort recently,”Man I wish I could speak to people like Ray Comfort does.” Amelia, Here are some tips I have noted on how and why Ray Comfort can seem to speak to people SO easily;…

Where DO YOU Draw the Line?

Co. Judge Orders Baker to Bake Bring Yah Glory Here is the thing: If you profess to be a Christian you cannot think more highly of yourself than you ought (Romans 12:3). In some of the comments (to the above article) I have…

Only Jesus Saves: Paige Patterson

“It comes down to a question of truth. Every false religious expression is a religion of darkness. That doesn’t mean there are no good things in that faith. It’s not an effort to fail to notice the value of these things. But if Jesus is…