England’s two-Faced Tolerance

Britain may forbid visit by Florida Quran [burning] pastor Apparentl;y England thinks its compassionate of them to allow muslims to openly call for the murder of Christians in the streets of their nation, but they don’t tolerate an American pastor who said to burn the Islamic book that orders muslims to murder…

Are or Not?

If you aren’t preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ as The Solution… …then you aren’t a Christian Dr. Michael Youssef, Pastor of the Church of the Apostles in Atlanta Georgia, recently wrote, “In 2 Timothy 3:12, the apostle writes: ‘Everyone who wants to live a…

Islam’s Doctrines of Deception by Raymond Ibrahim

I was recently asked by Jane’s Information Group to write an essay devoted to taqiyya for the subscription-only Jane’s Islamic Affairs Analyst, which appeared late last September. Below is the unedited version: To better understand Islam, one must appreciate the thoroughly legalistic nature of the…

The True History of Islam

Free Republic The Long Bloody History of Islamic Terrorism (Must read! history doesn’t lie! It’s us or them!) JULY 16, 2005 | BARBARA J. STOCK Posted on Saturday, July 16, 2005 3:44:44 PM by CHARLITE The Sunday morning pundits preach that the terrorist attacks around…