How Should Christians Engage the World?

A discussion worth repeating… The results of political involvement, just like preaching the Gospel, are neither the product of your delivery, or the hardened state of the recipient of your message… the Gospel does NOT change the culture; it was never intended to. Do we…

Use Every Opportunity, Rightly

Use Every Opportunity Rightly I am reminded of my friend’s grandmother. She was a stubborn woman. She was always too busy to listen to her son explain why she needed God’s payment for her crimes against her Creator (see for details on this explanation…

AM I Saved?

If you have to ask if you are saved, then you aren’t! Yes, you read that right. That particular question most often is asked by someone who wants you to give them assurance, but there is no assurance other than from God Himself; This is one you…

Shall We Let Gays Be Unbroken?

Presumptive Perfectionism and Homosexual Sin

She was going rabbit…

Jesus is GOD Today I was asked to wait for a friend at the local DMV. And as I waited in the beautiful weather I handed out some tracts. And then I handed a few more out. And then more. And then more. And before…

Amelia’s Wish

A lady named Amelia sharing the Evolution-vs-God clip said of Ray Comfort recently,”Man I wish I could speak to people like Ray Comfort does.” Amelia, Here are some tips I have noted on how and why Ray Comfort can seem to speak to people SO easily;…