Begging for Jesus

Questions All Christian Ministries should ponder about asking for money to support their ministry: Does God need you to beg for money? What are you telling the world when you solicit funding for Christian Ministry? In the season of Christmas there are many trends which…

Re: “You’re too negative”

You Can Be Tempted, Like Anyone Else. A response to several comments from “Age 57, NJ” to my article on “‘Viewer Discretion advised’ Preaching” The point, my effusive friend in NJ, is that, as we all know, we must not preach on the street from anger,…

Pro-Active -vs- Re-Active Evangelism

Is the preaching of the Gospel to be proactive or reactive? The answer should be clear… The focus of this latest article of mine was to encourage Christians to not let anyone walk away from them thinking that right living is to be emulated, as…

American Christianity Misses the Point Again -WHY?

American Christianity Misses the Point Again -WHY? In the article on entitled “Prejean will retain crown” the author missed the blatantly obvious point that so many professing Christianity here in the USA have, apparently willingly, chosen to ignore as well: Miss Prejean is not…