Evolution Is False Religion – GTY.org

There is a kind of science out there—evolutionary science—masquerading as a reliable, objective guide to the truth. But strip away the white lab coat, turn the microscope around, and make the subject the object of your study. Guess what you’ll find? It’s just another false…

Christian Preaching = Gay Bashing, in England

Cops arrest preacher over Christian beliefs http://youtu.be/42DbjbTS19s This is the direct result of what happened to Shawn Holes in Scotland. Some have said, and I have used their ideas myself, that Christians should not allow the Gospel to be stopped by torqued deviates. Ray Comfort…

Conservatives (Christians) ‘Have to Meet in Secret’ and ‘Talk in Whispers’ [CNSNEWS.com]

Seems the tables have turned in Hollywood and now the communists are the ones on the witch hunt. Seems Senator MacArthy was RIGHT. CNSNews.com – Screenwriter Andrew Klavan: Conservatives ‘Have to Meet in Secret’ and ‘Talk in Whispers’ in Hollywood. Share you faith while you…

What Doctrines Are Essential? – Part 1 (GTY.org)

2 Timothy 3:15; Psalms 19:7; Matthew 11:25 How can a Christian determine which doctrines are essential and which are not? To begin with, the strongest words of condemnation in all the New Testament are aimed at false teachers who corrupt the Gospel. Therefore the Gospel…

Christian Arrested for Preaching that Homosexuality is Sin (LivingWaters.com)

Shawn Holes was taken to jail in Glasgow Scotland for speaking the truth about homosexuality: “We were preaching today on the streets and experiencing much adversity from police. We were warned not to preach against homosexuality, and if we did we could get arrested. Brother…