Are Christian Water Fountains Next?
San Antonio Texas declares Christians banned from city employ
We exist to declare Jesus alone as the Salvation for Man, to the Glory of God the Father, and to lead the world in seeking Truth, Honesty and Freedom for All!!
San Antonio Texas declares Christians banned from city employ
Stand Watch With Me I was born in Anniston, Alabama, in the 50s and had to fight for my equality most of my life. You see, there were many who thought I should be treated like a second class citizen, drink from a different water…
Nicholas Common – It would seem that Ray is trying to use everything atheist have told him over the years to show him how wrong his religion is. To make atheist look wrong. But he fails to understand that the term atheist only means that a…
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2Timothy 1:7 Those I have known in my life (MANY) that have claimed to be, or bought in to being, “bi-polar” take drugs, regularly…
Friends, Our nation’s Highest Court as official representatives of our nation, has rejected Jesus as our Sovereign Law Giver; We have the final slide of the United States of America begun. The official embrace of sexual deviancy, Sin, was the death-knell of the Roman Era;…
NEO-Humanism… the Great Lie? It would seem we have the Great Lie brewing in the world… While, at the same time, Christians have countered the false notion of evolution by exposing the perpetrators as the liars they are…
Latest Ray Comfort Film to ‘Shatter the Faith of the Average Believer in Evolution’ more >>>