Are Christian Water Fountains Next?

Christians_onlySan Antonio Texas declares Christians banned from city employ 

Here I thought we were a nation that prides itself on Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Association and Freedom of Religion. Did we not just complete a looooong battle over equality for people with differently colored skin, culminating in the election of a ‘black’ president?
Why now does the bigotry swing religious?
Is there an A G E N D A here?
Is this a backlash of some sort?

Discrimination is legal against Christians here in the Good ol’ U.S. of A!

In an article on the San Antonio, Texas city government has decided Christians are not allowed in Government employ, unless they are the apostate kind that declares sexual deviancy to be an acceptable “way of life.” Mention, even mention, what the Bible says and you are banned from San Antonio contracts and jobs.

Now, I ask you, is that the “equality” we are all working for?!?

Apparently, under the interpretation of the new “civil rights’ laws, it is. See, when you believe the Bible, and dare to actually say so, you are a second class citizen in San Antonio, even being classified as a criminal, guilty of “malfeasance”!

I guess those 28+ FEMA camps scattered around our nation ARE being prepared for Christians after all?

Thankfully this change to the city ordinances in San Antonio is a clear violation of the “Texas Religious Freedom Act”, so this will not stand legal scrutiny. But, you cannot help but wonder, will we one day soon see signs for Christians to use their own water fountain; calls for Christians to sit in the back of the bus; signs in restaurant windows that order “No Christians are allowed” to eat with the ‘regular’ folk?

Wanna bet what Doctor King would have to say about all of this?

Now listen, brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, it is plainly not wise or compassionate for Christians to purposely engage someone in a conversation that will offend or get you arrested, like Tony Miano did in Scotland. But we, conversely, cannot be expected to violate our own God-Given responsibility to stand for the Truth! I mean, let’s be real here! Jesus has the words of Eternal Life!

Will we turn on Him to save our skin?
(That’s a rhetorical question for the Believer)

Ray Comfort, a very experienced and Successful Street Preacher, recently sent out an article about this very problem, pointing out how he deliberately will avoid any subjects in conversation he knows will offend, as much as he can. Like, for example, with a sexual deviant, Ray will not bring up their sexual sins, because as Ray Comfort well knows from long experience, those guilty of sexual sins are ready to fight over them. No, Ray rightly declares the Compassionate, Christian thing to do is to show the Lost Homosexuals they are damned in spite of their sexual sins, by showing them their lies, and other violations of the Ten Commandments, will alone be more than enough to Justly cast them into Hell.

Compassion is the key…
            Let the Holy Spirit deal with the sins the Lost are sensitive about…

Shoot, I have Brothers in Christ that are too sensitive to talk to over what I see they clearly need to repent of. So, if we cannot approach a BROTHER about what they are too guilty about, out of love for them, how much more shall we be compassionate with the Lost?

Now, I am NOT saying you should let a brother continue in gross sin. He will thank you for calling him on it. But I DO say there are better ways than getting in his face about the sin. Earnest prayer should always be the prerequisite to any such matters, and in that I do know I have The LORD.

I have heard it said, when Jesus was asked 180 questions He answered… with…
…180 questions…

The solution for speaking to a brother in Christ has been, and always will be, to ask Jesus to deal with them about that sin (that is not deadly) you see so clearly in them; you just Love them and pray, once, for them (not with them). In all the years I have been a Believer I have YET to see Jesus not act on such a compassionate prayer. And, likewise, when you approach a sinner you don’t go mashing on their toes with your spiked boots to share God’s Loving Grace with them, right?! Yes, we do use the Ten Cannons of God’s law, but it’s God gun, not YOURS.

Or does compassion for the Lost give you pause Street Preacher?

What is the real reason you are preaching, if you resist being sensitive to the tender areas of the Lost, in order to see the salvation of their soul? Are you hiding some sin of your own in not being loving in your approach? Are you trying to preach loud enough to hide your own unrepentant guilt?
Think about it.

If you are not seeking the lost because you CARE for them, because you really worry about how they will spend Eternity, then you should stop preaching, and Pray to Jesus until you DO care rightly. This took me some time to get, so give yourself a little while to get God’s understanding. I say again, ponder this before Jesus if you get angry at the notion of being sensitive to what you say to the Lost.

PLEASE, think long and hard about the compassion of Christ if you regularly make people angry enough to hurt you when you preach.
Is this clear enough?

So, as to the whole idea about San Antonio, Texas denying contracts and employment to Christians over their stance on sexual sin, may I suggest you call the City Clerk and give them your opinion of this clear Religious Liberty violation? Remind them of the Biblical Stephen, while you are it. Ask them whether this what they want in America, Christians being stoned to death for their faith?
Such terrible discrimination is happening in South Africa RiGht NoW!
I know many Believers that suffer terribly, and some have died, in Pakistan, for their faith.
Is that what they want, in San Antonio, in the name of “equality”?

Here is an analysis from Faith Outreach of these ridiculous ordinance changes. (Faith Outreach is Christian Ministry in the San Antonio area)

It is becoming increasingly clear to me that the rights afforded to sexual deviates by the inordinate laws being enacted, under the ruse of “Equal Rights”, are being given legal precedence over the Religious Liberty of American Christians. We are living in Paul’s Rome.

Where is Jesse Jackson? Why is he not holding a press conference and screaming from the front of their administration building in San Antonio for the equal rights of Christians, who he CLAIMS to be one of?
Just when will the ACLU file a lawsuit to defend the Christians in San Antonio, to demand they rescind these ordinances?
Where is All Sharpton’s vile racist rhetoric to thwart this ordinance change?

Crickets… all I hear is the sound of crickets from the “Civil Rights” groups.
I smell bias, don’t you? The kind of bias that led to NAZI death camps.

Man, I sure would like to see the City of San Antonio go after Muslims like they do Christians. Would you like to guess why they don’t? Chicken anyone?

So, Preach on Brothers and Sisters, and help get San Antonio to face that good Texas Law. But let’s not give them stupid reasons to arrest us. We know what the agenda of anti-Christ followers are. Let’s not let them have their way and keep us from seeing souls saved,
as long as it depends upon us.

Patrick Burwell