ProLife Day, October 20th

Hundreds of Thousands of Students Will Refuse to Speak on October 20th, as They Stand in Solidarity with Those Who are Killed Every Day by Abortion Contact: Bryan Kemper, 937-339-5648, 540-538-2581 cell MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 12 /Christian Newswire/ — Stand True, Christ-Centered Pro-life, will hold…

Spain Nurse Infected Fully Suited

God Help Us October 2014 – SPAIN – Extinction Protocol The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says details on the measures to screen air passengers for Ebola, mentioned Monday by President Obama, will be announced this week. Thomas Frieden, in an interview with All Things…

Our Reply to Dr. Carole Lieberman

Re: EVANGELIST LEAVES CELEBRITY PSYCHIATRIST TONGUE-TIED Evangelist leaves celebrity psychiatrist tongue-tied What this interaction between a Christian author (Hitler, God and the Bible) and a Psychiatrist shows is the disparity between their worldviews, demonstrating that they are INCOMPATIBLE. As Dr. Carole Lieberman demonstrated, Psychiatry has…

God Forgive Our Greed: A Call to National Repentance

God Forgive Our Greed: A Call to National Repentance -By Patrick Burwell   “In sorrowful remembrance of our own faults and crimes as a nation and as individuals, to humble ourselves before Him, and to pray for His mercy” We can all see now, and…