ProLife Day, October 20th

Hundreds of Thousands of Students Will Refuse to Speak on October 20th, as They Stand in Solidarity with Those Who are Killed Every Day by Abortion

Contact: Bryan Kemper, 937-339-5648, 540-538-2581 cell
MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 12 /Christian Newswire/ — Stand True, Christ-Centered Pro-life, will hold its sixth annual Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity on Tuesday, Oct. 20. In past years students from over 4,700 campuses in 25 countries participated in the event, and Stand True expects even more this year. Last year Stand True heard back from participants about 58 girls who canceled their abortions on the day of the event due to the efforts of the students. These students stand in solidarity with each other to bring attention to the holocaust that is killing almost 4,000 babies every day in the United States alone.
“The students are speaking loud and clear; they want an end to legalized child-killing” said Bryan Kemper, President of Stand True Ministries. “We are getting thousands of e-mails, comments and internet messages from students thanking us for giving them a peaceful way to stand up and be counted.”