10 Commandments for Kids
We exist to declare Jesus alone as the Salvation for Man, to the Glory of God the Father, and to lead the world in seeking Truth, Honesty and Freedom for All!!
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There are two ways God gets our attention: 1. By His Law. 2. With hard times. If you refuse to be humbled then you will be broken. Refuse to learn by them and Hell is your Just reward. Learn what has been missing from your…
Professor in Florida Agressively Pushes Atheism
Funding Site Discriminates Against Discriminated Christians… After removing two crowd funding sites that were overtly Christian, set up, ironically enough, to provide means to financially support people being discriminated against, GoFundMe justifies their clear bigotry by changing the wording of their policies to ensure anyone…
Hillary Clinton: Christians In America Must Deny Their Faith In Christianity Posted: 27 Apr 2015 07:11 PM PDT on The Trumpet Online Excerpt: “Hillary Clinton just said that Christians must deny their Faith through the enforcement of laws, by stating that the Christian belief in…