Is GoFundMe AntiChrist?

Funding Site Discriminates Against Discriminated Christians
After removing two crowd funding sites that were overtly Christian, set up, ironically enough, to provide means to financially support people being discriminated against, GoFundMe justifies their clear bigotry by changing the wording of their policies to ensure anyone even merely accused of wrong doing is refused their service. Wow, Is GoFundMe now AntiChrist?
Just how would they handle those accused of rascism, when in fact they are trying to stop Muslim terrorism?
How about Jews trying to stand against anti-Semitism? Will Jews be rejected the use of GoFundMe because Iranians merely claim Israeli bigotry?
Where exactly is the line you’re drawing?
Can someone, then, go to every GoFundMe site and get them shut down with just an accusation of wrong doing? Explain again how you will make money then, when you have no eligible customers?
Maybe GoFundMe had better rethink their policies before they disappear altogether?

…just sayin. Ministers