Jesus is GOD
Today I was asked to wait for a friend at the local DMV. And as I waited in the beautiful weather I handed out some tracts. And then I handed a few more out. And then more. And then more. And before I knew it I had handed out over 100 tracts. I hadn’t intended to, but I was “quickened” to do so and I suspect why were some of the people I met. They were the salt of the earth. Everyone from a fella in his duds looking like he just crawled out of his trailer, to a Marine, and an old retired Army guy, a few tatooed young people, an old woman, a lady in a wheel chair, some Hispanics carrying passports… the list was on and on. I was, frankly, surprised by how many came in that day, just in that hour, and such variety!
And then this lady came in. She was walking with a step of assurance, had her stuff together (lots of people didn’t and I saw them go out and in frequently). And as she came out I gave her the new Million Dollar Tract.
She was a Jehovah’s Witness
I really didn’t want to engage her but I listened for a bit and she told me some new thing the say that millions will live forever with God on the New Earth; that’s their new shtick, to counteract the problem with ONLY 144,000 copies of “righteous” people being in Heaven.
I had to laugh it was SO ABSURD, and she didn’t like it. She knew it was silly nonsense, but felt she needed to try and prove it anyway… to herself apparently. It was awful to see her squirm like that. But as I saw she was getting upset and about to leave (she was going rabbit) I quickly shifted to the “The Point” I make with JW’s, that their worshiping an idol because they don’t believe Jesus is God. She debated a few moments, saying she knew Jesus was perfect, but when I pointed out she had just agreed with the Bible that Only God is good she wiggled some more and then she just turned and beat her feet. As I saw her go I genuinely felt pity, I had been a Mormon for a time, so I called out to her back, “You’re committing idolatry! Repent… Time is SHORT.” I wanted her to some back. but the demons that were making her wiggle so disgustingly wouldn’t have it. But she HAD heard, that’s why all the struggle. She wanted to listen. So that makes me very glad. i think now what I could have said to keep he there. I think a little sooner toning down and speaking gently sooner might have been better.
It’s a terrible thing to think about, SO many going to get the shock of eternity when they hear from the lips of Jesus, “Depart from me you worker of iniquity, I never knew you.”
Keep preaching because SOME are listening. The trailer dude did, the retired Army guy was glad to talk to me. The Tatooed folks were VERY friendly, very open to the Gospel. It was very refreshing. Many took the tracts and many said thank you, genuinely.
What a day!
Pray for the JW, she was visibly shaken, and I am glad, but she didn’t take the tract.
Reach her, LORD Jesus, reach her. And THANK you, for the surprising opportunity.
Patrick, OnlyJesusSaves.org Ministries