R.I.P. USA, The Fleeting Victory Of Man

The USA is no longer free

Here Lies the United States of America
Born July 4th, 1776 – Died January 6th, 2020

“So, when I saw this video…

… it made me think about man’s fleeting glory.
Michael Couglin, Things Above”


Exactly, Mike, the biggest question about the “fleeting glory of man” (I prefer the term “fleeting victory of man”) is where will he be in a hundred years?

What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul?

Will anything that you have been and done as a man affect where you will end up? Will you be in Heaven or Hell? Will your prowess save you? How about the amount of money you made, like George Soros did, or will how much power you had, like Senator Lyndsey Graham had, determine your final destiny? How about how much you influenced in your life, for good or bad? Will ANY of your efforts, like to to keep your nation free, or your family, safe from such evil people, be even considered on Judgment Day?

Are you a GOOD person, Vice President Mike Pence?

None of those matters will have any effect on where you end up in a hundred years, will they? Though you may be remembered, good or bad, where you are will be most important to YOU, then. I mean, I would be very sad if I going to be was remembered as the modern Day Benedict Arnold, that sold the USA, and the world, into Socialist Slavery, as Mike Pence will now be known as, for what he did January 6th, 2020. Vice President Mike Pence had the chance to be the hero of history for his defense of the freedoms we all hold so dear, but his answer was, instead, “It’s not my job.” I wonder if the millions of deaths he will cause under the socialism and globalism to come will be held against him, by God? I’d be worried about that Mike. I mean, you have NOTHING to fear from ME, Mike; Who am I, after all? But I’d be very worried about how those, who loved being free, feel about what you did.

But, once you face God… He will have something to say.

So, then, maybe a man may think how good he has been, or how nice he has acted, like how many orphanages he built in his lifetime: Maybe he thinks these acts will have an effect on his destination? No, sorry; What you DO is a reflection of WHOSE you are; Your actions don’t “make the man” but rather what you do show the man for who he is, or is not, following.

Woe to thee, O land, when thy Vice President is a child

The foolishness of our hearts often delude us, don’t they, President Trump? Like how we thought our nation would remain free under such leadership; Silly us, right? Well, thankfully, in ten thousand years we won’t even remember their names. 🙂

REMEMBER: Just because someone CLAIMS to be a Christian, you can only know whose they are by what they do, by how dearly they hold the Truth.

But now, at least, we now KNOW why the USA will not be defending Israel in the Last Days, as the Scriptures had confusingly showed: Our leaders couldn’t even defend our own freedoms, so Israel cannot expect America to defend theirs.

Israel, you’re own your own… Trust in Jesus while you still can, because the USA is no longer free, and never again will be your friend.

I’m so sorry.
Some still pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

No, but thank God almighty, Jesus Himself, HE, is the only one Who is unassailable in his Trust-Worthiness; He, the only One who deserves any Glory; Jesus, the only one my loyalty remains unshakable for. He is worthy of all praise, glory and  honor! Amen. What we all do with Jesus is what shall matter to us in the aeons to come. Everything else is just gone.

Mike, God may yet correct you; Seek His face.

May God forgive our decades of complacency that has now allowed so Great a nation to fall with such a gutless whimper,

Patrick J Burwell
www.OnlyJesusSaves.org Ministries
Presently residing in the United Socialist States of America, formerly known as the “USA”…

P.s. I’m sorry, world, but all freedom loving people now can ONLY look to Jesus, as all of man’s God-Honoring bastions of freedom are now GONE.