Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Christian Baptist Preacher and activist. He became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the Civil Rights Movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968.
He was born: Michael J. King Jr, Jan 15, 1929, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. and died: Apr 4, 1968, Memphis, Tennessee, U.S., from an assassin’s bullet, while doing what he loved, defending those who could not defend themselves.
“The time is always right to do what is right.”
He was a man of God who believed that God’s people must never stand by and allow others to be oppressed. A Baptist Preacher, brother Martin also believed adamantly in the right of a child to not be destroyed by their own families. He was pro-family, pro-life, pro-equal rights and would never have not stood for an unborn child’s right to live, or in a family’s right to defend themselves from tyranny. Today there are Patriots standing in the gap for our freedom in Virginia, and I believe Martin would have been there with them, calling for the right to protect his family, his friends, his nation. Pray for their protection as they rightfully protest un-Godly and un-American laws being pushed upon Virginians to take away their right of self-defense.
Doctor Martin passed far too soon into Glory, at the hands of those who would silence his message, but his killers made a fatal mistake: Doctor Martin never died. He lives even today, on high with Jesus, and his message is stronger today than it ever was, because of their bullet. I pray this pattern may not be repeated in Virginia, or anywhere else in this great nation.
STAND FOR YOUR FREEDOM, or sit in tyranny!
Many desire to use his message of freedom, righteousness and decency to all for their own gain, but he was clear in what he desired:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
How will your character show today, America?
Dr. King believed and spoke what he did because his moral structure came from the Bible. What do you stand and speak for Christian?
MANY will try today to twist Reverend Martin’s words. to further their own agendas, but know this: Martin Luther King Jr. called us all to listen to Jesus and God’s word, the Bible, and there you should go. Just be sure you listen to the Biblical Jesus and you are reading the accurate Bible. I recommend the KJV for accuracy and the Evidence Bible from Ray Comfort for training in sharing your faith.
Many will look today for your voice, will you give it? What does your God-given Biblically informed conscience say?
Patrick Burwell, www.OnlyJesusSaves.org