God Save India From Democracy on “Happy Republic Day” January 27

I see India nationals know their nation is a Republic, calling their Independence holiday “National Republic Day”. It is TRULY shocking to me how many citizens of the USA think we are a DEMOCRACY. We are a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy, and so is India!
“What’s the difference, you may be thinking? Well, a “Republic” has representatives, duly elected by the people. And the Constitution drawn up in a Republic is to ensure equal governance by those representatives, divided up into smaller but equal governing bodies, and offices, to ensure no one department has too much power.
That’s the quick explanation, but you get the idea…

MOB RULE would be a VERY bad thing

But a “DEMOCRACY” is majority, MOB rule on everything. All it takes is 51% to get any idea, any notion (no matter how asinine), any bill brought to the elected representatives, made into Law; All with just a simple majority. Do you see the problem? No? Well let’s just look at the last US Presidential election, which still uses the Constitutionally established Electoral College to ensure every state has an EQUAL vote against another. In other words, HUGE California and TINY LITTLE Rhode Island both have the same voting power, under this established rule. If a simple Majority is the rule instead then whoever has the largest population on the voting rolls, whether it’s *real or not, will ALWAYS decide the President; That’s why Hillary Clinton was so upset. She had what *appeared to be a majority by population, but that is NOT how we make a nation sized election fair. She, and her Democrat party, want simple majority rule to decide everything. We need to not allow this; MOB RULE would be a VERY bad thing.

Let me explain why…
Look at passing Laws: If the Congress, Supreme Court and President of the United States, did not have equal power, under our laws, there would be an unfair advantage, one over another. And that’s not all…
MANY believe when the Senate elections were added removing the power of Governors to choose their state’s Senators, over an election by the people, an imbalance was introduced.
Don’t believe me?
Just look at the arrogance shown by one over another in the last years. Why is there is much hubris? Because, the People have TOO MUCH POWER, since the Senate has started being elected by them. Governors no longer have direct representation over their own states in the federal government. We need equal power between elected officials, the Judiciary, The President and the People. And Governors of each state need to have representation reintroduced as well. Having one group make too many choices is an imbalance; If any one of these groups has too much power then the systems starts to fracture. We need God-fearing representatives that DO NOT vote by every whim of the public, the people, but by their Biblically informed Consciences, to rule this land, and to offset the people being swayed by fear, or by false promises of corrupt officials. But we don’t have that do we? And that is part of the problem.

Consider this: A whole Political Party BOOED at the mention of God in their national meeting. That is beyond comprehension; It is God’s Universal Moral Standard that is our foundation of Laws and Governance (look at the entry doors to the Supreme Court and over the head of the Chief Justice’s seat, The Ten Commandments are there in both places). We clearly have a major problem and we must ALL fight to repair the breach.

What California and New York City’s 5 Boroughs think is important is VERY different from what Farmers in Idaho want established

If you have laws written for whatever majority of Americans, who choose to vote, *provided the rolls have not been tampered with, establishing Law, then any bill becomes Law, over ALL the people. What California and New York City’s 5 Boroughs think is important is VERY different from what Farmers in Idaho want established. No, no, as Benjamin Franklin, one of the founders of this great nation has said, God save us from democracy, God save us from Mob Rule! Let NONE take away your freedom of self governance, India; Do not let the lies of “Democracy” be foisted upon you as anything you need. And do not let what is happening to the USA to happen to you; Keep the balance or it all unravels. Correcting the problem then becomes a monumental undertaking. Think about what India and the USA went through to be free of tyranny; THAT’s how hard the task of repairing a broken republic becomes. You’ve GOT to get back your right to keep and bear arms, for instance. Socialists are trying to take ours away right now!

Every action of Hitler in Nazi Germany was LEGAL, under the “Democratic” laws…

So what do you do? How do you repair a broken Republic? Go BACK to the foundations.
The Ten Commandments of the KJV Bible are the very basis of Western civilization. Any who have tried to establish law based on ANYTHING ELSE, like general opinion, prevailing attitudes, situational ethics, have ALL met with DISASTER.
For example: Every action of Hitler in Nazi Germany was LEGAL, under the “Democratic” laws of Germany, when they decided to stop basing their laws on God’s Law. It took the whole world to stop the results of Germany turning their backs on God. Think about that. What other group(s) do you know trying to make general opinion (Democracy) the law of the land in YOUR country? Make it very clear to them too the path they will forge should they continue with mob rule over God’s Law.

For the least decade Christians have been rising up and preaching the Law of God, to show the nation who they are and what God expects. The results have been dramatic; President Trump has been one of these wonderful outcomes. He stands for truth and does not waver. now Christians just need to VOTE IN CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS and get the socialists out of our government. ONLY THEN will we have means to fix the mess Clinton and Obama Democrats have made.

Did you like what I said? Let me know!
Patrick Burwell, www.OnlyJesusSaves.org Ministries

*There have been MANY cases in USA courts that proved the number of people who voted was artificially inflated by millions. MILLIONS. And ALL in favor of ONE party. Want to guess which one? That’s right, those who want Democracy. Thank God we have groups like Judicial Watch who are going after them.

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