Pro-life group warns of vaccine’s contents (

Pro-life group warns of vaccine’s contents (

Pro-life group warns of vaccine’s contents

Charlie Butts – OneNewsNow – 7/11/2008 4:00:00

A newly licensed vaccine for several illnesses contains tissue from aborted babies.

Pentacel is a combination vaccine for five diseases approved by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices. The vaccine is to be added to the immunization schedule for children.

Debbie Vinnedge of the Children of God for Life believes parents with ethical and moral concerns should educate themselves on the product. “A lot of physicians are completely unaware, and you know they look at recommendations that the ACIP puts out and are very likely to just say ‘Well, this is what we’re supposed to be doing,'” she warns.

Vinnedge objects to tissue being used from aborted unborn babies, saying the infants should be treated with the same dignity and respect as any other person who has died. “We wouldn’t go around robbing graves to use their organs and cells to create products,” Debbie admonishes.

The Children of God website lists alternative vaccines to ones containing aborted babies. And Vinnedge notes the organization is asking members of Congress to introduce a bill that would require labeling of drugs to stipulate whether tissue from unborn babies has been used.