Our Reply to Dr. Carole Lieberman


Evangelist leaves celebrity psychiatrist tongue-tied

What this interaction between a Christian author (Hitler, God and the Bible) and a Psychiatrist shows is the disparity between their worldviews, demonstrating that they are INCOMPATIBLE. As Dr. Carole Lieberman demonstrated, Psychiatry has a pre-supposition of inherent good in man, as man has made up, and Christianity has a pre-supposition of inherent evil in man, as the One and Only God Himself says, in the Bible. Someone is wrong, because these views are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be right.
What this show also demonstrated was that Dr. Carole did not believe in God, but someone of her own invention, a God who is ONLY love. While God is a God of Love He is also a God of Justice.
If you went to Dr. Carole and told her how afraid you were of dying, because the Bible says you have to face God on Judgment Day, and that you have read the Ten Commandments and see you are guilty, as this Doctor could not bring herself to be honest about, she would LIE to you and tell you that the Bible is wrong. She HAS to, or she has to face herself in Truth too. She told Ray she doesn’t believe what God said clearly in the Bible, “There is no one good, no not one.”

Someone is wrong, because these views are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be right.

I wonder how many will be in Hell because of Dr. Carole Lieberman?
But if you go to Ray, with that same healthy fear and revelation of your sinfulness and guilt before a Just and Holy God, that you are afraid you be sentenced to Hell, as the Bible says, Ray would then tell you of the Good News that God saves sinners, like you.

Find the truth, evaluate yourself at the link below, which is an online test, and see what the God of the Bible requires of you, and why…
Go to www.HowWillYouDo.org  and test yourself today, because your tomorrow may never come.

160,000 people die, on average, every day in America alone. That’s 2 people every second. As God says, “Today is the Day of Salvation.”, and ,”You have no promise of tomorrow.”
Every breath you take is a gift of God’s, don’t waste it denying God’s right to Judge you justly one moment more, as Dr. Carole did.

Carole Lieberman, I suggest you be honest and face who you are before you speak to another person. Your soul depends on it. Read Exodus 20 and see where you stand before the Only Standard that matters, God. and then see what God did for you so you will not have to go to Hell. TAKE THE TEST “Doctor” and let the Great Physician HEAL you, once and for all, of what has been ailing you since you were old enough to understand what sin is.

Patrick Burwell
President, OnlyJesusSaves.com Ministries

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