Mosque For Jesus Friday – November 28th

Christine Wieck – The Lady who defied the ecumenicism of the National Cathedral, is calling for all Christians nationwide to make November 28th the day we protest Islam in Christian Churches, because Muslims, using Taqiyah, spoke a prayer to their moslem idol in the National Cathedral of the USA, on the 100th Anniversary of the Call to Jihad, the “Fatwah” November 14th, 1914 by the Last Islamic Caliph that lead to millions of people to be CRUCIFIED, these Muslims claimed the guise of Peaceful Co-Existence, to proclaim the United States of America Muslim Conquered Land

Are you going to stand by and not respond to this? Is Jesus LORD or NOT? SPEAK OUT AT EVERY MOSQUE November 28th, 2014

“A movement is starting to form to get a “Mosque For Jesus Friday”. Friday, early afternoon, is the Islamic call to prayer, and Christians will be standing with messages on signs or handing out tracts and literature. The day seems to be Friday after Thanksgiving. That is November 28. What better way to thank The Lord!?”
-Christine Weick

Psalm 27:1 “YHWH is my strength and my salvation, in whom shall I fear?

I’ve written a book for Christians of 10 helps to get into the mind of the lost with the Gospel Download it for free, read it and get together on Facebook with Christine. Let’s encourage one another and video the event. Then send it to us and we will post it.

Patrick Burwell,
P.s. Look for us at the Philadelphia Mosque.