Memorial Day 2018

God bless Brave men like my dad who volunteered to fight communism in Vietnam TWICE, only to see a deviate communist elected President of the United States of America TWICE. The USA had gone the wrong way, and I thought she was gone forever, but I’m so glad Donald Trump was elected. This President balanced the budget in less than a year and not one media Outlet reported it. This president was the first to attend a pro-life conference that was going on every year during Obama’s tyranny. George Bush Junior, and even Senior, did not attend or make the slightest attempt to stop abortion, the murder of children. But out of the darkness came a warrior who did not care what party you represented because he was for what was right not majority rule. President Trump understands we live in a Republic not the immorality of democracy.
So now I think, maybe, there is hope for America, but I do see a clear battle forming between good and evil, right and wrong, AntiChrist and Christian. We shall all answer for what we do in these coming days, and for every thought, word and deed we have ever done.
But I know and am very grateful that we shall all face Jesus on Judgment Day; No evil will ever go unpunished.

Are you ready?
